Chapter 10

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Kong's POV

It's been three months since the beach trip. We have gotten extremely close to our seniors. Infact we have lunch together almost every single day. P'Arthit has also been a constant surprise. He is still the same gruff head hazer, who pretends to be stern yet blushes almost constantly, but something has definitely changed. He has started showing is nicer, caring side a little more. He is always available to support us, never refuses anytime he can help and all in all my friends and I couldn't be more thankful we have them to make our engineering lives easier.

My love life is another matter altogether. Although I was drunk on the beach when I confessed to Pearl, I truly liked her. She was sweet and pretty and kind and fun. My biggest problem though was that it was glaringly obvious she liked P'Arthit. Every time we sat for lunch together she would find small occasions to brush his arm or touch his hand. Was I the only one noticing this? No one else ever commented on her unnatural obsession with him. He was the first one she inquired about and always made sure she did not leave the room before he did. It drove me crazy. Both for myself and for P'Arthit. It was clear he was uncomfortable with the attention she gave him but was too much of a gentleman to say anything. And as for me, it was beginning to get difficult for me to control my temper. I am still right next to you for heaven's sake, why are you talking to him constantly?

One day we were gathered around the lunch table again. P'Arthit rarely came out to any of our night drinking parties. Oak was regaling one particularly funny incident, and P'Arthit was openly laughing along with the rest of us. Suddenly Pearl reached out and cupped his cheek while running her thumb over his dimple. "P'Arthit how come I never realized you had dimples. Wow, you really don't smile enough." She let her hand drop and continued her conversation with others.

P'Arthit shifted uncomfortably, blushed slightly, and quickly excused himself away from the table. I on the other hand was having a hard time controlling my anger. I was fuming, but I did not want to create a scene right here in front of others.

After lunch I pulled her into a secluded corner. "Pearl, I think we should break up."

She looked up at me as if searching for something. She finally sighed and nodded her head "Okay." Once she walked away I realized what a fool I was from the beginning. She hadn't wanted to be with me at all. I slumped down against the wall trying to think back to all our interactions. It was all about P'Arthit for her. She probably agreed to date me just so that she could be around him.

As nice as he was, most people were scared of approaching him. Other than my friends he barely even spoke to any other girls. Pearl had used me to get close to him. Irrationally, I was upset at him. I knew it wasn't his fault. He never encouraged any communications with her, but I was still upset.

I kept my break up and my thoughts to myself for the rest of the week. I didn't confide in anyone because I wasn't ready to expose how hurt I was just yet. Pearl continued to eat with us every day and pretended like nothing was wrong. Exactly, one week after our break up I got a call from Aim asking if I was OK. I figured he must have found out from Pearl, but turns out she had made a very public confession to P'Arthit claiming I had dumped her and broken her heart and she knew he would never treat her like I treated her.

I snapped. I didn't know what happened between her and P'Arthit and I didn't want to know. I called Oak, Aim, and Wad to a bar and got drunk till I couldn't stand straight. The next morning while battling a monumental hangover my phone beeped to show P'Arthit calling. I stared at my phone for a few seconds. What exactly did I want to hear? What was I dreading? I eventually answered his call and heard his rushed voice. "Kong! Are you ok? Why did you not tell me you had broken up? I would have taken you drinking to this really nice bar. Its new and has fantastic snacks." I smiled into the phone. He almost never went out drinking. There was no way he knew of any new bars.

"I am fine P'Arthit. I heard she confessed to you yesterday."

"Can you believe that? Some girls are crazy aren't they? I was so shocked I thought you were pulling a prank on me. I kept calling your name absolutely sure it was your idea. She got so frustrated she punched me and left."

"She punched you?"

"Haha, ok she tried to punch me. She obviously didn't take her hazing punishments too seriously."

And just like that I wasn't mad anymore. I wasn't angry at P'Arthit. I think I am going to be fine.

Finding my way [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora