Chapter 18

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Arthit's POV

Kong and Som had some conspiracy going on. I was sure of it. Except they had completely different approaches. Kong had turned into the biggest mother hen that ever existed. I had spent less than a day in his house and I had already eaten a month's worth of food.

Som on the other hand insisted on killing me with embarrassment. Not only was he encouraging Kong with his nonstop feeding he also insisted that Kong hand feed me. I had a perfectly capable left hand which felt pretty useless right now with Kong constantly shoving a spoon or chopsticks into my mouth. The worst was during watching a movie when Som kept interrupting to ask Kong to feed me popcorn to which Kong happily complied. I can manage to eat popcorn on own my just fine people!

The climax had to be when Som suggested that I should probably shower before dinner and that Kong should help. I swear I have never before prayed this hard for the ground to swallow me whole. Kong was beginning to nod his head yes before he had to answer a phone call and left the room. I let out a huge sigh of relief before turning to Som and growling.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What? I am making your dream come true"

"I don't dream of Kong giving me a shower."

"You don't?"


"Oh learn to relax a little. Your king kong is pampering you, why are you throwing such a fit?"

"Shouldn't you be threatening me? Warning me to stay away from you grandson?"

"I highly doubt it's you who has the problem staying away. Didn't you see? He was obviously more excited to scrub your back than talk to his girlfriend."

"Som! Ssshhh"


"Spit it out boy!"

"It's your factory isn't it?"


"What were you doing there at night?"

"That's none of your business"

"Ummm...can you help me get my job back? I am probably fired by now."



"I don't know who beat you up or why. There is no way I am letting those hooligans near my property."

"Ummm Ok...I get it"....."Wait then why are you letting me stay here at your house?"

"Because my idiot grandson is going to go running to your house to give you showers anyway. If he is in any danger I would rather it be under my eyes."

A happy Kong entered the room which effectively ended our conversation, "P'Arthit ready for your shower?"

"No no I took one in the morning. I think I am good for now. Maybe tomorrow huh?"

"Ok whatever you want. Oh by the way, P'Arthit, do you know where you dropped your phone? If you tell me I can go pick it up for you."

Kong and Som, both had their eyes trained on me. I knew what he was trying to do. It had very little to do with my phone and a lot to do with extracting information. Even if I were to tell him everything, there was no way I was letting Kong anywhere near that place.

"Umm I am pretty sure I had it with me when I reached home."

"No P'Arthit. P'Knott and I searched your room thoroughly. It is not in your room."

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