Chapter 26

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Arthit's POV

I stopped short as I reached my room. Mike was slumped against the wall completely passed out. For heaven's sake! People needed to stop showing up on my doorstep. I lugged him into the room and threw him on the bed. I changed his clothes and put a cold compress over his fade. I had seen him in this condition many times and I was dreading what was to follow.

I had to get to work in a few hours and I was tired from everything that was constantly happening. I instantly fell in a fitful sleep when various competing dreams filtering in and out. Nearly all of them primarily featured Kong. I woke up just a few short hours later way too grumpy to function correctly.

At some point I needed to talk to Kong. I didn't even have a phone currently to get in touch with him. But the more the inevitable got delayed the better. With running around for multiple jobs, an unconscious Mike on my bed and the loan payment hanging over my head, I would rather have Kong as far away from here as possible.

As I returned home ready to pass out for the day I had another round of shock to deal with. I opened my door to find voices of two people I hoped to never be in the same room. Mike sprawled across the bed wearing only boxers. My boxers to be precise. And Kong sitting stiffly on the chair staring daggers at Mike. I was looking between them trying to gauge the situation when Mike spoke up "Arthit look who decided to surprise us? He has been waiting for you for quite some time now."

I walked further into the room grabbing some of Mike's discarded clothes and throwing them at him, "Put your damn clothes on."

" me change then we can grab some dinner"

"That sounds awesome Arthit. Where are we going?" I glared at Mike before saying pointedly. "Why don't you rest here. Kong and I can go, I will bring back food for you."

"Aww, c'mon Ai'Oon. I have been stuck at home all day. You even left without saying goodbye in the morning." I frowned at him. What is he up to now?

The three of us headed in an awkward silence to the restaurant where Kong sat across from Mike and me. I am not sure what the three of us could discuss but Mike kept up with some inane topics constantly.

Every time I tried to eat my food Mike would have his spoon placed in front of my mouth to feed me and I kept shoving his hand away. I don't know what his plan was but he needed to stop soon. I could see Kong getting more irritated by the second and at one point he threw his spoon in his bowl with frustration signaling he was done eating.

Once we exited I awkwardly shuffled my legs. Now what? I wanted to talk to Kong but more importantly I needed him away from Mike. Before I could say something, Kong grabbed my arm "P'Arthit, come back to my room for a little bit. I need help with something."

I nodded appreciatively. This was perfect. "Oh? Don't be too long though Arthit. I barely got to see you all day." If Kong wasn't dragging me away already I would have smacked Mike.

As soon as we entered his room he pushed me against the closed front door and held me captive with his body. Before I figured out what was going on his lips were on me as if kissing me was the only way to survive. I kept trying to break away but his mouth would follow sealing our lips together again and again. His hands roamed my body freely, from my thighs to my hips, around my waist, up along my back and then repeating their path over and over again. At some point during this onslaught I had given up fighting him and had become a very willing participant.

I could feel his hands under my shirt massaging and squeezing my flesh and overall driving me insane. When his hands traveled down my body again, all the down to my buttocks, giving them an urgent squeeze, some sense finally started filtering back in.

Oooookay now lover boy. We need to slow down. He might be experienced with his multiple sexcapades but this was entirely new to me. I pushed him away from me and tried to talk.

"Kong.. wait...Kong stop..."

I could see Kong reaching back towards me to resume what I just interrupted but my outstretched hands kept him atleast slightly away. I found an opening and slipped by next to him and walked further into his room to make sure there was sufficient distance between us.

"Kong, ummm...what exactly is going on?"

"Why is he staying with you?"


"Why is that guy in your room? Why was he there even when you were out? Why was he practically naked in your bed waking up next to you?"

Of all the things under the sun that I wanted to talk about, Mike was absolutely the last. I knew my temper was flaring and that was definitely not a good sign.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Is that what you really want to talk about right now?"

"Yes! That is what I want to talk about. How can you kiss me like that and then turn around and sleep with another man."

I was actually angry now. Like boiling, raving, spitting fire angry. What was with everyone constantly accusing me of sleeping around? My life was depressingly celibate. Other than working constantly all I did was pine for a guy with a string of girlfriends.

"Like you are one to talk. Did it feel good to you? Cheating on your girlfriend?" I shoved him and marched towards the door not in the mood to talk anymore.

Right before I stepped out I turned around andsaid spitefully "And by the way, Mike is my brother." I made sure to bang the door as hard as Icould behind me.    

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