Chapter 30

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Arthit's POV

I was running as fast as I could with Mike following me. I had left Som far behind. My mind was numb with panic. All I kept thinking over and over again was that I needed to get to Kong. If I just got to Kong everything would be OK.

Why did they take Kong. I had made sure to maintain as much distance as possible. I had doubled up on all the payments. There was no conceivable reason they would go after Kong right now. What would that even get them? Maybe because they couldn't reach me? But they would have gone after Mike instead.

It didn't matter for now. If they had him it was already a very bad sign. They were cruel and vicious. But Kong wasn't like Mike and me. He had a family. He had protection. They couldn't take actions against him without consequences.

I was still running full speed. They generally gathered at a rundown little house and that is where I was headed. Mike finally caught up to me and grabbed my arm bringing me to an abrupt halt.

"Wait, Arthit...stop and think. How will your charging in there help? Then they will just have you too. You need to go get help."

"What help? I don't even understand why they have him? How do they even know about him."

"For some reason they think you are ready to run. They found out he is your boyfriend and now they are holding him to keep you here."

"Why would I run?" I was so confused. I didn't understand anything. "What are you talking about Mike, why have they taken Kong." I couldn't think straight due to fear and none of what Mike was saying was making any sense.

"I ran into Kong some time ago. He was asking about you. I thought he couldn't get in touch with you so I took him back to your room. But they were already there. They were ransacking everything. They saw us and attacked. I managed to escape but they took Kong with them."

I was muttering every imaginable curse possible and I turned to go to their house again.

"Hold on Arthit. What exactly are you planning on doing when you get there."

"I am going to freaking tell them I am not running away and that it has nothing to do with Kong."

"And they will just believe you and let Kong and you go on your merry way out of there" He snapped sarcastically.

"You need to call his parents or his grandpa. Listen they are rich and probably powerful. His parents can deal with this situation much better than you and I can."

Mike was right. I had next to no power or resources to help Kong. I was practically pulling my hair out with frustration. How could I have gotten Kong involved in all this? This was exactly why I wanted him to stay away. Why did that idiot come to my room. I had specifically made him promise. He had freaking promised.

Even though everything Mike had said was reasonable and that I should probably call Som and tell him everything, I needed to first make sure Kong was still OK.

"Mike go to Som and tell him what you told me. Tell him to get help and meet us at the house. I need to go see Kong."

"No. I am not letting you go there alone. Just come to his grandpa and they can figure everything out."

"Listen I won't do anything dangerous. I promise. I just need to find out if that's where Kong is. Please, let's not waste any time. Just go, please."

I reached the house with my heart pounding so loud I knew at some point my chest would burst. As I got closer I slowed down to figure out what my plan of action should be.

As I took a deep breath and prepared to step inside the cottage, someone grabbed my arm.


I swung around to see Kong standing in front. I didn't care about anything else. Kong was in front of me and that's all that mattered.

I pulled him fiercely into my arms and gave him a bone crushing hug. I felt relief wash over me as I looked him over and he seemed unhurt. I grabbed his face in both my hands and kissed every inch of his face.

"Oh Thank god Thank god. You are OK, you are OK"

I kept alternating between kissing his face and pulling him for a hug. He didn't even try to stop me. He just patiently let me get over my fear by holding and kissing him.

"Kong are you ok? Tell me what happened. How did you get away? Wait we need to tell Som. He must be so worried, he must be on his way here. I didn't even ..."

"P'Arthit, stop. I am completely fine. Look. Nothing happened to me. I am fine. I called grandpa. He knows I am OK. He told me you were coming to find me. I was waiting for you."

"Are you sure you are OK? They didn't hurt you at all?"

"No they didn't. I promise. I need to go back home. Grandpa is really worried. Will you come with me?"

"Yes, yes I will do anything you want. Whatever you want. I will take you home."

I held his hand and started walking away fromthe dreadful house. Kong squeezed my hand tightly when I realized I was stillshivering.     

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