Chapter 10

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IMPORTANT: This chapter has some content in it that may not be appropriate for anyone under thirteen.

Indie' POV


I decided that I wanted my party in San Diego because they had the best beach I'd ever seen. Most of my friends travels down about a week before the party.

I had so much to do but I made time to hangout with as many people as possible. I did collabs on youtube, with Ricky Dillon, Nash and Matt, Andrea Russet, and a cover of Stay With Me with Shawn.

Taylor wanted to spend the afternoon with me as my "birthday present", so against my better judgement I spent the day before with him.

"You know I have a lot of stuff I should be doing right now?"

"You can save it until tomorrow."

"The party is tomorrow, idiot."

"Haha. Let's go jet skiing."

I was thrown off by the suddenness of the topic.


"Jet skiing. It'll be fun!"

"Where do you even get a jet ski?"

"I rented one. Go get on your bathing suit, we're leaving in thirty."

He left me in the room to change.

I threw on my bathing suit with a pair of shorts and a tank. I didn't bring my phone.


"This is so much fun!" I screamed, over the wind.

"I told you!" Taylor replied.

Taylor was driving it and I was behind him, with my arms wrapped around his bare stomach. I could feel his abs. Something washed over me so quickly that I wasn't sure what it was.

I laughed and tilted my head towards the sun, my hair blew behind me. I felt like I could do anything with Taylor.

Afterwards we went to Chipotle, of corse, but I probably wouldn't have wanted anything else.

"Today was so much fun. Thank you."

"I love you."

"Taylor Michael Caniff, did you just tell me you loved me?" I said, putting a hand to my heart, pretending to be completely surprised.

"Haha, yea. I did."

His accent was so sexy. I wanted him, all of him. I wanted it to just be me and him in the world and no one else.

"Well, I love you too."

I kissed him and he kissed back, roughly, until I realized where we were. The middle of Chipotle making out.

"Hey, let's go back to the hotel." I suggested.

"Oh, right."

We quickly drove back, not wanting the feeling to fade.

As we walked up stairs we saw lots of our friends.

"Hey guys! How was jet skiing?" Jack J. asked.

"So much fun!" I answered.

"We're gonna go watch a movie in one of the rooms, you guys wanna come?"

"Everyone?" There were like 50 people already here.

"Yea, crazy, huh?"

"Um, yea." I looked over to Taylor.

"We'll be there in a bit."

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