Chapter 14

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Indie's POV


It felt so weird to kiss Nash. We had been such close friends, but I was in love with him. When I finally realized it, I knew that I had felt that way for a long time.

Cam picked me up from my house to get Nash, Carter, and Hayes from the airport. We pulled up and waited for them.

"So, has anything exciting happened since the last time I saw you?"

"Stop trying to make conversation, Cam. You sound stupid." I laughed.

"Thanks, I try."

"How are things with you and Laney?"


"That's it? Good!"

"We have a date tomorrow, at the movies."

I nodded.

"What about you and Taylor? Have you guys talked since you broke up?"

"Yea. It's a little weird but I'm glad that he's so willing to let me move on."

"Move on. So your dating somebody now?"

"Well, He doesn't know yet. But yea."

"Cool. Who?"

"Hey guys!" I heard from behind me.

I turned to see Nash.

I got out of the car and hugged him tight. then we kind of just stood there, with our arms around each other, staring at each other.

I felt like I could be straight foward with Nash. Especially since we were probably thinking the same thing.

"Should we uh... kiss or something?"

He laughed. "I don't know, I think so."

I smirked. "Ok then." I said, as I put my arms on his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

He started laughing.

"You're cute, trying to be sexy."

I scrunched up my nose and smiled.

We got in the car.

"When the hell did that happen!?" Carter asked.

"About a week ago."

"Taylor's not upset?" Cam asked.

"I told you, he doesn't know yet."

"Why didn't I know? I live with you!" Hayes asked Nash.

"I didn't think it was a big deal."

"No. That's a pretty big deal."

"Good or bad?"

"Great! I was totally pulling for you guys." Hayes said.

"Ohhh! Me too man!" Carter added.

Cam didn't say anything.

"You guys wanna come to my house? My house is actually pretty cool. I've got a movie room and a pool and this huge living room. Oh, and my parents are gone on a trip."

"Sounds fun." Hayes said.

"Sounds like we could have a party." Which of corse, Carter said.

"Carter, I don't think that's a good idea. Said Cam.

"No. I think it's a great idea! I throw parties all the time!"

"Let's do it on Friday night."

"Ok. We have four days to plan this thing."

"I've always wanted to have those glow in the dark pool floats!"

"And we can do glow in the dark paint fights!"

"We could do a glow in the dark theme!"

"Indie, aren't you friends with the 5 Seconds of Summer guys?"

"They would so perform for us!" I was so excited.

"We have to have sparklers!"

"And glitter!"

"And beer!"

"This is going to be the best party ever!"

"I have to go shopping, take me to the mall."

I pulled out my phone and called Mahogany. I told her about the party and she agreed to meet me at the mall.

I bought a black, long sleeved bodycon dress and black heels. I thought it would look cool if my dress got all covered in glow in the dark paint.

"Nice outfit." Mahogany told me.

"Good. Yours too. Now we need to buy as much glitter as we can possibly find, and sparklers. I think the guys have everything else, but I need to call Luke to see if him and the guys can perform."

"You should probably call a D.J. too."


After we bought what we needed and made the calls, we had 5SOS booked for an hour and one of the best D.Js in town. We had about 400 sparklers and a lot of glitter.

We headed back to my house for a break. Mahogany had been to my house so many times it was practically her house too, but when the guys arrived they were shocked.

"I had no idea your house was this amazing!"

"What do your parents do?"

"They're both doctors."

"Haha. Figures."

"Ok, this is going to be an amazing party." Carter said.

"What do we still need?" I asked.

"Alcohol!" Cam said.

I started laughing and went over to hug him.

"I'll call J.C. He'll probably get us some beer or something."

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Nash asked.

"How about the beach?" Mahogany suggested.

Of corse, everybody agreed, and we spent the day at the beach.

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