Chapter 2

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    My final went well, i imagine I got a low A. I was waking up from a nap when I heard my cell phone ring. "Hello?" I said groggily sitting up from my bed. 

   "Mari." I heard Dylan slurr my name. 

   "Dylan, its literally noon, are you drunk already?" I asked as I swung my feet off the bed and headed towards my closet to see what to wear.

   "No, of course not. im just excited. Girl we finished our classes!" She squeled. Dylan only had like four classes and all her finals were either on friday or today.  So she was done with classes, i, however, had like four more finals to take. 

   "no, You finsihed your classes. I am not done yet." I said looking through my dresses to see if I had anything that was business casual. I pulled out a black pencil skirt and rummaged through my tops to see what I had.

   "Whatever, lets celebrate tonight."

  "i thought you guys were already coming over?"

  "We are but lets go out for drinks!" I heard her almost scream as Delta joined. Dylan and Delta were twins and they were my best friends. They were both idiots but put together all at the same time. 

  "Babe, im only twenty im not even gonna be able to get into the bars." I could hear her groan on her end of the phone. 

  "Oh whatever. We will bring the alcohol to you then!" She yelled and I heard Delta make another round of screams. I rolled my eyes and pulled out a black and white shear top with a black cami to stick under it and my white pumps. MY nails were black today so it would work out.

   "Okay, but dont forget I have my internship today so I wont be home until like 5:30." I said and she hummed in agreement.

   "Okay then we will be over at 5:30 and bre prepared to drink til your dead."

   "if I die that means I dont have to take anymore finals." I joked and she laughed on her end. "Okay i have to go i have to get dressed and show up to my internship otherwise Laken will kill me." We finished our conversation and I slipped on my outfit and looked at myself in the mirror.

   I was pretty okay with my appearance. I was fortunate in the genetics department, thats what my father always told me, and then he would joke saying that it was his genetics that made me pretty. Then my mother would laugh and tell him if anyone was pretty it was her. 

   I was similar to my mother in many senses, i was just about half of her. I had seen picture of her when she was my age and you could pass us off as twins if we were from different generations. We both had big brown eyes and long blonde hair. My hair was my favorite feature, I was able to do anything to it and I had learned that the hard way.

   When I was sixteen I chopped it all off into a pixie cut and hated it ever since. Then I continued to kill my hair with just about every treatment I did or perm I tried. So eventually I just gave up and let it grow back out in its original color. 

   I wouldn't consider myself skinny, but I was built pretty well, well enough to be confident in my body. When I was in high school I had put on a lot of weight and since then I had been working to get it off. It was a challenge and every bump I hit only encouraged me to move more and get back to the place I wanted to be. 

   I had designed myself, I had made myself into the person I wanted to be and it took forever to get here but I was happy where I was in my life. Everything was planned out from here.

   I was going to probably get married after college, assuming I stayed with Ryan. Then I would get a job in my field and just be me. We would travel the world and see everything possible. Then I would probably settle down and we would have some kids and just be us. Ryan and I. 

Just my luck (Rewrite)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum