Chapter 6

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    I stood in front of the elevator, afraid to get in. I thought I was going to puke, i thought I was going to pass out. I needed this job i needed this experience. This was everything I had hoped to get and I was going to ruin it.

    I glanced around nervously at everyone in the lobby. Some were talking, some were checking their watches, probably late for meetings, and I was standing here. I had five minutes still, five minutes til my doom. A man appeared beside me and hit the elevator button and I felt my stomach drop. I was being forced to face my fear now, this was it.

   The elevator door opened and I took a step inside along with the other man. he was tall, obviously worked here, most of the men wearing suits in this placed worked here, Laken said Mr. Thomas expected everyone to dress professionally at all times when in the office, even if they were picking up their check.

   "You look kind of young to be working here." The man said once we were in the elevator. "What floor?"

  "Twenty three, I'm an intern for Mr. Thomas." I said and he nodded raising his eyebrow.

   "I have a daughter your age, she wouldn't dream of interning at a place like this, so busy with her 'fashion blog'." He rolled his eyes and I couldn't help but smile. I wish I was crafty enough to pull off a fashion blog, but everyone has their own thing and this was mine. "You look really familiar." He said and I shrugged.

   "I have one of those faces." I said trying not to make conversation, if a man like this recognized me from the internet I was so fucked. The elevator stopped and the man got off at his floor and I waited as the doors closed again.

   This was it. I was going to die today. I stepped off the elevator and looked down at my outfit again making sure my skirt hadn't rode up or my shirt was still straight.

  Two minutes. I looked over to see the desk that I was sitting at yesterday was full. There was a tall blonde sitting in the chair typing away at a computer. She looked up when she saw me. She was certainly beautiful, young, maybe like twenty-five. She had high cheek bones and bright blue eyes, she looked the part that she played in that desk. "Good morning, how can I help you today?" she asked taking her hands away from the laptop and folding her hands

   "My Name is Amara Winters, I'm here to see Grey Thomas." I said playing with my fingers. Her eyes lit up as if she realized something. 

  "Oh yes! You are his girlfriend, I remember seeing that online sometime today, that must be exciting." She was a lot bubblier than she had appeared earlier, defiantly younger than twenty-five. Maybe she was my age. "I'm sorry, I'm new. I got moved up just yesterday to fill in til he finds another inter." Great, so there goes my job.

   "Should I just go in?" I asked looking at the clock. It was right on time. 

   "Oh!" She almost bounced out of her seat. "Of course go on in and ill make a mental note of who you are so I recognize you next time Miss Winters." She said and I nodded giving her a soft smile. If she only knew she was never going to see me again.

   I knocked lightly on the door, hoping he was to busy to meet with me or something came up, any excuse I could think of that would get me out of this meeting. "Come in." I heard his voice and mentally groaned. 

   Pushing the door open I took a step in. He was sitting at his desk with his laptop open and was typing away. He didn't even look up at me, he just pointed to the seat in front of his desk. "Sit." He barked. I nodded and quickly took a seat in the chair looking around the room nervously. 

    He didn't say anything, he didn't look at me. He just stopped typing and sighed heavily. I looked down as he looked up at me. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to react, I wanted to just hide. Run away and not come back. Glancing back up he was still looking at me, studying me almost as if he was looking for something In my facial expression.

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