Chapter 56

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         "What happens now?" I asked Grey, who was sitting next to me. They had finally finished checking me, deciding that I was clear to go, giving me my actual clothes back, well ones that Grey had brought from home.

    It was a day later, a day after I woke up. Grey and I hadn't talked about loosing the baby, we both just accepted that there was nothing we could do about it. It broke my heart, knowing that we had lost a part of our future.

    There was nothing we could do though, we agreed not to try and have anymore children, not right now at least. The first one wasn't planned, I wanted the next one to be.

   "Now, we go home. Try to move on." He took my hand in his and gave me a sad smile. I didn't know what else to do.


   It was two days later, I had been home from he hospital for two days. Delta and Dylan had been in and out of the flat but they hadn't actually talked to me. I had been holed up in our room for the past few days. I could see Grey was worried, I wasn't eating, I wasn't talking, I didn't want to. I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted time.

   I could hear them, whispering outside our door, thinking out loud about what to do with me. I had brushed it off, ignoring them. Truth is, I didn't know how to cope. I felt like Grey was taking this a lot better than I was. I had lost our child, I had done it, on my own.

I could hear Grey outside our room, talking to Seth to just stay and keep and eye on me while he went to work. It was then I decided not to lay around anymore. Moving on wasn't a choice, this was something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life but that doesn't mean that I had to stop living.

Grey was still in my life, I hadn't lost him like our baby. I got out of bed and grabbed my robe and a towel, heading to the bathroom.

Stepping out of the shower I got dressed , letting my hair air dry. I began on my makeup, thinking about what I would do now. I would finish my degree, eventually get a job.

Getting pregnant changed a lot about my future, but I had a plan before this, I could go back to classes and deal with Ryan and the twins and Dakota. I would get through this.

I got dressed slipping on jeans and a light T-shirt that had a Pink logo on it. This would have to do.

Food was necessary, I was starving but I had been so numb that I wasn't able to feel it.

"Seth?" I asked opening up my door and sticking my head out. My voice was groggy from not speaking and he looked just as shocked to hear my voice as I did.

"Yes, miss winters?" He asked with a wide expression.

"Can you take me somewhere?"

"Of course, where do you want to go?"

"Italian food." I smiled, trying to act as normal as possible. He gave me a nod, and offered a small smile. I quickly grabbed my shoes and purse before running out of the room. "We need to make a pit stop before we go."

I didn't want to talk to Delta or Dylan or even Grey just yet. They were either to comfortable with me or they weren't comfortable enough. I didn't want them to try and hide that they had questions, but I didn't want to talk about it yet either.

I sent out a quick text and waited for a response while I got in the car. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded putting on my seat belt.



   "Thank you, for coming." I said takin a seat across from Beverly at my favorite Italian restaurant downtown. She gave me a soft smile and I could see the pity behind her eyes.
     "It's not a problem I have been wanting to come see you. Laken has been worried, Grey said you haven't left your room in days." She said tucking red curls behind her ear.
   "They exaggerate." I bluffed wanting to make her feel better. "I'm getting to be okay, it's just been tough." I rested my hands on my legs and sighed.

    "Are you really okay though Mari?" She leaned in while asking. I nodded, not really knowing how to respond.

    "I can't tell you yes, not honestly at least. This is something that I'm going to have to work at. But I have Grey, this is going to be okay. I have a future to plan." She didn't respond only nodded and looked down at the table. "And so do you, with my brother of all people. How is wedding planning going?" I asked as a grin spread across her face.

    She dove into stories and decoration ideas telling me all about it. Everything she had planned and wanted to plan and how in love with Laken she was. It was nice, for the first time in a few months, everything felt natural again.

      This is where i wanted to be, back in the world again, just Grey and I.
   I know this isn't a long chapter but the book is so close to being done like two chapters left maybe.

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