Chapter 40

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       It had been almost a week since I had told Laken about the baby. I aced my test in my business class and Got the top score. Delta and I were sitting at my house, that was weird to say, my house, watching TV.

  We both had Ice cream in our hands and we were watching Annabelle Creation with all the lights off. I had locked the front door just to be safe. "Where are they again?" I asked and Delta shrugged.

   "Jarak said Grey and Nate wanted to go out tonight, something big I guess. Guys night. Which is fine because I needed one as well." She said and I laughed.

   "Wheres Dylan?"

   "On her way. We will need to unlock the door eventually." She said and I shrugged.

    We sat in silence, both of us to afraid to speak. I don't care how many times I had seen this movie, it would forever scare me. We were only half an hour in, nothing huge had happened but it kept you on edge because you knew the basis of the movie. 

   Suddenly there was a pounding on the door. Both Delta and I screamed at the top of our lungs, dropping our bowls on our laps. 

   "its me!" Dylan yelled from the other side of the door. "Let me in Bitches!" 

   I bursts out laughing as Delta got to her feet and let Dylan in. She came into the living room laughing. "You guys are idiots." She said sitting down. Delta and Dylan were as bad with scary movies as I was.  "Where is the ice cream?" Dylan asked heading into the kitchen.

   "In the oven, shut up we are trying to watch the movie." Delta fired, not mad.

   "Okay." She laughed. I shushed them all, hitting play on the movie and turning it up. Dylan came in with ice cream and sat down next to us, pulling the blanket we had on our laps up on her as well. I missed our girl nights, however I was also missing Grey sitting next to me. I was a goner.

      The movie was interesting, I couldn't seem to not be on edge. 

   We were at the end of the movie, where all the action happens and shit hits the fan. I was sprawled across the girls with my head in Dylan's lap and my feet in Delta's. I was covering my face with the blanket waiting for all the scary parts to be over.

    It had begun storming outside, we could see the lightning out the window. Delta was thrilled, she loved thunderstorms. Dylan and I on the other hand were scared out of our wits. I hated thunderstorms.

    Suddenly the front door flew open, we heard it crash against the wall and all three of us screamed, and I was pushed off the couch. "What the hell was that?" Delta shrieked standing up. I got to my feet as well rubbing my side since it hit the ground first.

   "Ouch guys, that fucking hurt." I complained as I grabbed a pillow. "I will go check it out, stay here." It was my house after all.

    I peeked around the corner, the door was locked, I didn't know who was able to get it unlocked. My mind raced to Michael, if he had found a way to break in. Where was Seth? He was with Grey and the other boys. 

   I could hear Delta and Dylan tip toeing behind me. The front door was standing wide open, and no one was in it. "Where the hell did they go?" I asked looking around. "Turn on all the lights." I ordered and headed towards the light switch.

     I was about to switch the lights on when a hand reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards the front door. I let out a high pitch scream and immediately kicked up my feet trying to throw off their balance. 

    After everything had happened with Michael, I had taken quite a few self defense lessons, most of which seemed to be disappearing in this moment. They seemed to be able to carry me quite easily because my jumping had absolutely  no effect on them. "Mari?" Delta yelled but it was dark, I couldn't see her.

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