Chapter 10

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    The next day couldn't have come slower. I was excited, I wanted to go to work to see Grey.  I laid awake in bed this morning for hours before it was time to get up and get ready.

    Now it was almost noon and I was standing in front of the elevator again. Now my stomach had sunken and was at my feet. What if I imagined everything last night, what if it was all in my head.

   All the pictures got out and the world was blowing up with the latest news of us being together. Ryan was texting me over and over furious that I was taking this this far, he didn't even realize that it was all fake he thought it was real.

    And yet here I was, standing in front of the elevators. I checked my outfit once more. A black pencil skirt and a light pink top that I had tucked into the skirt matched with my nude heels. Hitting the button I took a step back and looked around the lobby, it was bare almost besides the woman sitting at the desk.

I got on the elevator and hit 23, I was to check in with Grey before I was assigned tasks for the day. The elevator opened a few seconds later and I stepped off. Cecilia was sitting at the desk outside his office searching through papers. She smiled when she saw me. "You look cute today Miss Winters." She said.

"Thank you," I grinned. "Should I just go in?" She shook her head.

"He is on a conference call with japan right now but give it five minutes and you should be good." I nodded and walked over to her desk and took a seat. "I saw all the pictures on Facebook and instagram of you to." She said and grinned. "You are so lucky"

I could tell that Cecilia was crushing on Grey, and for some reason that struck a chord. I nodded and grinned anyways. I needed a friend here if I was going to spend so much time here anyways.

"It was a good night." I said and put my elbows on the desk resting my head in my hands.

"My favorite is the one of him dipping you and kissing you in front of the bean." I nodded and glanced at the door.

"He is a really good guy, I can't believe I snagged him." I just wish it was real.

She continued to gush about my fake boyfriend for another couple minutes before the door opened up and Grey stepped out.

"Cecilia." Grey said looking at his watch, not at us. "I am going on lunch for an hour, have you seen-" He look up and stopped when he saw me. "Amara, perfect I was just gonna text you, ready to go to lunch?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow.

"Shouldn't I be working?"

"Technically you don't begin til one, I had you come in early so I could convince you to go to lunch with me." He smirked and winked as I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Then yeah, I'm ready to go to lunch." I smiled and he held out his hand for me to take.

"Cecilia you have an hour as well, be back at one" He said and she nodded grabbing her wallet from her desk drawer.

I headed into the elevator with Grey holding my hand as Cecilia followed. She hit the floor button and I rested against the wall until Grey pulled me over onto him. I smiled and looked up at him and he was smirking. I think he was just as into this little lie as I was. I could see Cecilia smirking to herself in the corner. 

    "Where are we going?" I asked resting my head against his shoulder.

    "Italian place." He said, his thumb was gently rubbing circles on my hand, which sent shivers down my spine.

   I nodded and smiled biting my lip. We got off the elevator and he held my hand while dragging me along to his car. This all seemed to normal, like being with him was as easy as breathing.

     He opened the car door for me and I slid in. I wanted to talk to him about it, I wanted to know if he was feeling what I was feeling. However I also didn't want to ruin anything I had going on, I was having fun with this, even if it was all pretend.

   "Okay, so dinner is in a couple days are you prepared for it?" He asked and I nodded.

    "As ready as I'm gonna be, we have a pretty good set up going, people are believing we are a couple." I said and looked over. I saw something flash in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it was there.

    "Yeah, the news is going crazy,"

    "Our breakup is going to be big news." I smirked and he nodded, pressing his lips together."

    "Yeah." He dragged the word out as we pulled out and headed towards the restaurant.

   The topic of us breaking up broke out light mood, I could sense the tension. "Everything okay?" I asked and he nodded sighing.

   "Yep," and we were down to one world answers.

  "Okay, do you want to talk about it." I asked and he shook his head.

   "Doesn't matter, lets change the topic." He said and smiled again. I nodded and rolled down the window.

It wasn't long before we pulled into a small Italian place not to far from TI. Grey got out and went to my door to open it for me. I slid out and grabbed his waiting hand.

The inside was super cute. Lights hung from the ceiling making it look like night sky. The booths were all made of wood and there was a glass window of a man paddling down a canal in a small boat. It was adorable.

"2." Grey said and the hostess nodded. She led us to a booth over in the corner that went in a circle. I slid in and over next to Grey.

"So what am I going to be doing today?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I figured I'd send you down on the floor with Laken and you can work for him for today." He said and I felt something inside me sink. He didn't want me to be around him today.

"If you don't want me around then why did you bring me to lunch?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow

"Amara, we are dating this is what your supposed to do." That wasn't the answer I wa looking for. I glared at him and roll my eyes.

"I don't want you to do something you are supposed to do Grey if you didn't want to bring me you shouldn't have." I fired back.

"Mari, we aren't actually dating, you made that very clear in the car." He picked up the menu and began looking at the food.

"So that's what this is about your still upset with me because of our fake break up."

"Not so loud." Grey hushed putting his hand over my mouth. I hit the inside of his hand and he pulled away immediately. "What are you five."

     "Might as well be." I argued and he sighed.

     "Can we talk about this when we get back to work,  I brought you here to eat can we do that please?" He said and I groaned and picked up a menu.

    "I'm not done with you yet." I said under my breathe.

     "I have no doubt about that."

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