Chapter 48

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We got home that night and I walked inside the flat with an ice cream cone in hand. Grey had also gotten one and was following behind me. "Living room!" I shouted, heading to sit on the couch. He followed and sat down next to me as I propped my feet on the other side of his lap.

"So we need to start thinking of names." I announced. He pressed his lips together and nodded.

"What if we did a whole color scheme like black?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"We are not naming our child black. What about if we did like a Greek god theme. If it's a girl we could name her Aphrodite and we could call her Dite." I suggested as he looked up, weighing the options in his head.

"Kind of liking the name black." He teased as I laughed and hit him playfully with my free arm.

"Seriously we-" I was cut off by the sound of his cell phone ringing. He held up a finger and pulled his cell out of his back pocket, answering it.

   "Grey Thomas." He became suddenly totally professional. I rested my head against the back of the couch and rested my eyes. "Yeah, when does it need to be done?....and you couldn't have given it to me before I left today?" He was getting agitated. "Yeah give me a few and I'll come pick it up." Looks like Grey had to leave.

   He hung up the phone and stuck it back in his pocket. "I have to go deal with a quick work issue, forty minutes tops okay?" He asked and I nodded.

  "Go do your thing,"

   "Do you wanna come?" He asked and I shook my head.

   "No I think I'm gonna read, or write, we will see." I said giving a tired smile. He grinned and leaned over, kissing my gently.

  "I'll back back." I nodded as he got to his feet and I payed on the couch, gently closing my eyes.

   I didn't mean to but I guess I fell asleep, taking a short naps I woke up to pull covers up on me so I wasn't so cold in the house.

   The sun had gone down and it was dark outside now. Grey should be home soon. I payed back down on the couch and closed my eyes again, wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep before he got home.

   It couldn't have been more than ten minutes later when I heard a loud bang. It jolted my out of my sleep, forcing me awake as adrenaline ran through my veins.

  "Grey?" I asked, groaning and sitting up, my body tense from sleeping on the couch. I stretched my arms out, letting my muscles stretch so I was able to walk around easier.

  It had to be Grey, no one else had a key to the flat. He was probably trying another stupid joke on me. "This isn't funny Grey." I said a bit louder as I got to my feet. I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and walked towards the front door.

    It was standing wide open, the bang was the door slamming open, which is what scared me. The hallway was completely pitch black, giving me no idea who was here.

   I felt my stomach drop a little bit, fear creeping into my mind. He knows I don't like it when he does this, he needs to stop. "Grey come on this isn't funny!" I shouted this time, refusing to go any closer to the door than the hallway.

I waited another few seconds before groaning in frustration. "Fine leave the door open!" I shouted back. "I'm going to bed now!" I shouted again and turned my back to head into the bedroom.

As soon as my back was turned I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, gripping me tightly and yanking me back. I let out a loud scream, knowing it wasn't Grey.

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