Chapter 7

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     I was sitting on the couch going through the social media on my phone, my face popping up repeatedly. I refused to read the articles because I was afraid of what had been spreading. I heard Laken's car pull into the driveway and my head snapped up. He was going to ask how today went, I was going to have to answer.

    The front door opened and Laken stepped inside and his eyes fell on me. "Your home." He said and I nodded. "Did you manage to keep your job?" He asked and I actually frowned. Was I still working for Grey Thomas. I had no idea it didn't come up weather or not he decided to follow me. 

    When I didn't answer he flipped on the TV and the news popped on. They were doing a broadcast on the video still roaming around the internet and there were reporters what seemed to be outside of Thomas Industries.  "They have been out there for about an hour, trying to get Grey to do an interview. Its all still a rumor at this point but they are going to want the truth soon."

   "I don't even know what the truth is at this point." I said and he raised his eyebrows. 

   "Mari this is serious, this isn't just your job that's in danger its mine to." He said and I nodded standing up, shoving my phone in my back pocket.

   "I know Laken, I'm not a child anymore."

   "Really because you just lied to thousands of people."

   "no I lied to one and many people video taped it and posted it online. Okay its not all on me here." I joked and he rolled his eyes. I groaned and folded my arms on my chest. "Laken, you are keeping you job that much I know, Me, probably not so much but we didn't get around to discussing that." I said and he raised his eyebrow.

  "What did you guys do?" He asked and headed to the kitchen.

   "Well, he asked what I did and I told him about the fight and then his mother came in and invited me to family dinner and wouldn't let me tell her no. So now I am going to a family dinner and I don't know what is going on after that." I watched his face fall.

   "You lied about dating a billionaire, and he is going with it?" He asked and I shrugged.

   "I don't think he is going with it I just think that this didn't take the turn that he wanted." MY face fell back on the TV where the reporters were talking. Grey Thomas exited the building and was immediately swarmed by reporters. "Laken, come here." I yelled towards the kitchen as he poked his head in the living room.

    "What?" He asked his eyes fixing on the TV. I hit the volume button as they began asking questions.

  "Mr. Thomas do you have anything to say about the rumors of you dating college student Amara Winters?" He sighed and glanced around like he didn't want to deal with anything today.

  "I don't have any comments at this time." 

  "Can you confirm if it is indeed a rumor or if you are actually dating her." 

   "No comment." Well he didnt say no. That was a good sign.  "I will not be answering any more questions." He said and dissapeared off the tv screen. I turned to Laken and smiled.

   "Your so dead." He said and I nodded pressing my lips together.

  "Well, your not wrong." My cell phone started to ring as if on cue. I pulled it out of my back pocket and my eyes widened. "Its Grey."

   "Answer it." I hit answer and held the phone to my ear. This is where I get yelled at. I was waiting for him to yell at me however, it never came.


   "I am three minutes away from your house, we need to talk." He said and I nodded.

  "Okay-" The phone went dead before I could say anything else. He was not one for phone conversation. "He is coming to our house." 

  "Great. Glad we cleaned." Laken chuckled and headed into the kitchen. Our house wasnt a mess, it just wasnt spotless. I ran around and grabbed a couple of things off the couch and the floor to make it look a little better and straightened things up a bit before shoving it all in the closet. Laken just stood back and rolled his eyes at me.

   "Beverly is coming over tonight." Laken said before stalking upstairs to his room. 

    The door bell rang and I jumped to my feet. He was here. Opening the door I took him in. He was incredibly good looking I had to give him that. "Hey." I breathed and he nodded.

   "hey, can i come in?" He asked raising his eyesbrows as I nodded and stepped aside. He stepped inside and looked around quickly before I went ahead and sat on the couch.

    "Dinner is on Friday, my family is a bit traditional so your going to need to dress up, not like formal gowns but enough to get by. I will be picking you up, after the dinner is over we will find an excuse to leave and Ill drop you off. Monday morning we announce a public break up and the whole mess is over." He said in one big huff. I was utterly confused.

   "Cant we just say we broke up now and not go to the dinner." Partly because I didn't think this through enough to actually be his fake girlfriend but because I had no desire to meet his family if we were going to 'breakup' in less than a week.

   "My family is, complicated. My mother is worried about me and even though I don't like this agreement, none of the less you, I think it will help her along the way if she thinks that I'm in a relationship." 

   "Gee thanks." I muttered and he smirked. I understood where he was coming from but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt. 

   "You get what you want my mother gets what she wants and I get out of this." I nodded and pulled my legs up, crossing them.

    "SO what is our story?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow. "Well surely we have been 'dating' for awhile now. I need to know more about you than the fact that you own a company and are my boss, I think, do I still have a job?" I asked and he shrugged.

   "I haven't decided yet, we will see how it goes at the dinner. Fine, lets go out then." He said and I froze. Out, like, a date?

  "What?" I asked and he shrugged as if it was nothing.

   "You said you needed to know more of me if this was going to be passed off as real, lets go out, dinner then. We can go out tomorrow night if you want." he acted like this was no big deal. A date, with a billionaire, an actual date? No, this was nothing but my mess.

  "Um okay." I said and he nodded once before glancing around the house. He was about to say something when my front door slammed open and Delta and Dylan barged in with bottles of booze in each hand.

    They hadn't noticed Grey yet because they were headed into the kitchen, talking with out bothering to look at me which happened a lot more than you think.

  "I know its like Tuesday, but you just lied to the entire world saying that you were fucking your boss and the worlds youngest CEO and billionaire. And we feel that that is a good enough reason to get shwasted tonight and make some bad decisions." Dylan said coming around the corner. She looked up from her phone and her eyes grew wide when they landed on Grey. "Oh my god." She whispered.

   "um, Dylan. This is my boss, Grey Thomas." I said standing up as he did the same. She stood there frozen, not sure what to say. 

  "Guys whats goin-" Delta walked in the room and stopped talking just as Dylan did. 

   "Okay." I said and smiled clapping my hands together once. "I am going to go get Laken, Beverly is coming over tonight, Grey would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked. it wasn't weird if he stayed right? I needed to get to know him but I'm also sure the second he leaves the house Delta and Dylan are going to pounce on me with questions.

   "Thank you but I need to get going, I have to get back to the office and deal with a matter. Ill see you at work tomorrow?" He asked turning to me as I nodded.

  "Of course." So I was keeping my job for now I guess.  "Ill see you tomorrow." I said and followed behind him as he walked to the door.

    Once he was gone I turned to delta and Dylan. "Okay, so story time?" I asked and they screamed.


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