Chapter 11

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We got back to the office and Grey went straight to his office without saying a word to me. Lunch was irritating and I guess Grey and I were having our first fight. He left me outside his door and I looked over at Cecilia. To be honest, I was trying really hard not to cry.

This was our deal, date for a couple of days and then break up, nothing more nothing less. Why were we fake fighting to, that wasn't part of our deal. Did he not want to break up, I knew what I wanted. But he was like a closed book, he didn't talk to me about any of it. If he wanted to be with me he needed to tell me, because I was going to keep going with the plan.

"What happened, you two were so cute before lunch?" She said ushering me over towards her desk.

"I don't even know, we got into a petty fight. Its whatever." I said and took a seat in front of her.

"I don't understand, Grey was so infatuated with you." I raised an eyebrow, was he though?

"it will blow over by Friday, I just don't want this getting out to the press, you know how they are." I said, making sure she knew not to speak about it. She nodded quickly, understanding. "Okay, I have work to get to, I'm going to check in with Grey first okay?" I asked and she nodded for me to go in.

I peeked my head inside his office to find him sitting with his phone in his hand. "Hey." I said quietly and slipped inside.

He looked up from his phone and then back to his phone again. Ignoring me. Great. "Okay, lets talk Grey." I said and sat down in front of him. "We cant fight, its not part of the deal, This isn't good for our appearance." I knew I liked him, but because I liked him, I needed to make sure this went over well.

"We aren't fighting, we aren't a real couple, therefore we cant fight."

"Friends fight all the time Greyson."

"Don't call me that Amara." He fired back and suddenly we were like children fighting again.

"Grey I don't know what you want me to do, I really, really don't." I sighed and stood up, crossing my arms across my chest and walked over towards the windows. "This is fake, its all fake. That's the deal we made. Remember?"

"I am the one who made the deal, of course I remember." He set his phone down and looked up at me. He stood up and walked over to me, leaning against the window with me. "Amara, you need to understand something okay, my world, isn't for you. I don't want you to have to go through the same stuff that I do, all the cameras and pictures and the privacy. I want you to have a normal life."

"I feel like that's for me to decide don't you think?" I asked and crossed my arms as he sighed and shook his head.

"No," He said and looked down. "no i don't." He pushed off the window and walked further away from me. "I can see it. Amara, you like me." I couldn't believe the words left his mouth. Was I that transparent.

"Okay." I said and took a step towards him. "What if I do?"

"You cant."

"That's not your decision." I argued back and he shot me a glare.

"Mari, you cant like me!" He almost shouted.

"Why not!" I shouted back letting my arms fall to my side in an exasperated sigh. "Whats so wrong with me liking you Grey? This isn't some novel, this is real life. Everyone gets to decide what they want to do and who they get to fall in love with." I could feel tears rushing my eyes and it wasn't because I was hurt, it was because I was mad. Why was he fighting with me, I hated fighting.

"This wasn't part of our deal." He spoke my thoughts.

"Yeah well we have done quit a few things that weren't part of our deal." I fired back. I took another step closer until I was inches away from him. "tell me you don't feel it. If you don't want me in this life then tell me you don't feel the same way I do and it'll end. Monday we will call it off and you will never have to see me again, ill quit." He stared at the ground, not looking at me.

"No, I don't feel the same way Mari." I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. This was worse than Ryan. I felt myself let go, of everything.

    Nodding I took a step back and looked up from the floor. "Okay, then I'm going to get to work and I'll check in before I leave." My voice came out soft, broken almost like I was trying really hard not to Cry. Which I was. He simply nodded, his eyes not leaving the floor.

    I quickly gathered myself up and headed for the door. "Is there anything I can get for you before I go, Mr. Thomas?" I asked looking back at him quickly. He didn't even look at me.

    "No thank you Miss. Winters. That will be all."

     I left his office and closed the door behind me before heading straight to the elevator not bothering to look towards Cecilia.

     As soon as the elevator doors closed I sank to the floor and let the tears come out. Why was I crying over this boy. Why have I let a man destroy me like this, I knew the rules, I knew what I get getting myself into yet I did it anyways.

    Monday couldn't come soon enough. Now I just had to find a way to make it til Friday to get through dinner.

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