Chapter 5

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   We got home and all went inside before sitting on the couch. My head was spinning so fast and I thought I was going to puke. What had I done, I was so dead. 

   Delta and Dylan sat next to me and Delta grabbed a hold of my hand as Laken sat in front of me on the recliner and put his head in his hands. We had dropped Beverly off on the way home, I imagine that Laken didn't want to scream at me in front of her.

   "What, did, you, do?" He asked and shook his head. "Your dead, you told at least a hundred people with video cameras that you were fucking the worlds youngest billionaire and our boss!" Laken exploded, shooting up and running his hands through his hair. "What were you thinking Amara, of wait you weren't. You are so fucking drunk I doubt you are even comprehending this." He yelled again.

    He was right though, I screwed up. Big time. My head was still spinning, and now my stomach was twisting and I thought I was going to puke. No, I was going to puke.

   I got to my feet and ran to the back yard and threw up what was in my stomach into the garbage can. Laken followed me outside and Delta and Dylan stayed in their seats. I imagine they were going to be spending the night because they were to drunk to drive home. 

   "I cant believe this Amara." He rambled on running his fingers through his head while I puked again in the grass. 

   I managed to catch my breath and stood up, breathing heavily. Wiping my mouth on my sleeve I looked to Laken. "Its not that big of a deal, its not going to get back to him. It was a white lie Laken, I'm not going to have to prove it."

   "god I hope you don't have to." He said and disappeared into the house.

    I sighed and headed in and back into the kitchen. Delta and Dylan had already passed out on the couch. They weren't going to feel well in the morning.

   I headed upstairs and crawled into bed, god I hope that I don't remember this tomorrow.


   The morning sun found me sooner than I had hoped. The sun came shining in through the curtains in my bedroom as I rolled out of bed. I didn't have any finals today but I had two tomorrow and one the next day and then I was done. However, today I had my internship.

   Oh shit. My internship, I wonder if I still had that.

   I sat up and instantly my head began screaming at me. I quickly downed the advil that was sitting on my bedside table, probably from Laken. Getting to my feet I grabbed my towel and headed towards my bathroom and jumped in the shower.

   I felt gross, showering helped that  lot.

   Once I was out I got dried off and stuck on simple clothes until I figured out what was going on. I still had an hour, I woke up really early for some reason. I pulled out my cell phone and got on facebook. It took me a minute but they were there.

   Videos from my fight with Ryan were all over facebook, they had been shared and shared and shared. Everyone had seen it. News articles began popping up with my name plastered on them along with Greys. The word was out and I was so fired.

   As if he knew, my cell phone rang. I quickly hit answer and held the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

   "Miss Winters." Greys voice came through the phone and I instantly knew I was dead.

   "um, this is she." I said trying to sound like I didn't just tell the world I was sleeping with him, when I wasn't.

   "You have an hour to be in my office." He said and hung up. This was it, my funeral was going to be later this week. The girls would cry Laken was curse me and then it would all be over. Goodbye world.

   I quickly got to my feet and ran downstairs. Laken was already awake and sitting on the couch between the two still passed out girls that were passed out on the couch. "I'm so dead." I said and he nodded pointing to the TV screen with a mug of coffee in his hand.

   He had already made my tea and it was sitting on the coffee table. "Look." he said and I looked at the TV. He hit the volume up button and I sat in the chair and watched as my facebook profile picture showed up on national television. 

    "Social media has been blowing up this morning. Apparently last night a video got leaked of two adults fighting at a party in Chicago. It hasn't been made clear what they were fighting about but what caught everyone's attention was the man she claimed to be sleeping with. Grey Thomas, the CEO of Thomas Industries has been so far, able to keep out of the media. Three years ago when his father passed away and he was left to take over Thomas Industries, he spent a lot of time in the spotlight, but after his first year he has been able to keep out."

   "oh my god." I muttered and he held up a finger.


  "We have been able to Identify the woman as Amara Winters, student at Chicago University and an Intern at Thomas Industries, though just landing herself the job. Is this the reason she got the job? Is this just a rumor? We will be updating as the story continues." The stream cut back to a different reporter who continues on with a different story.

    I was so dead, the video made National Television in a matter of a night.

  "Wow." Dylan sat sitting up. Delta was soon to follow.

 "He wants to see me in his office in an hour. He is going to kill me."


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