Chapter 29

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    I had fallen asleep in the cabin. Sleeping off what was probably going to be a hangover. When I awoke there was aspirin and a glass of water next to me. My phone wasnt near me however, which was weird, I was expecting a call from Laken about changing my number today, if he didnt I was going to call him.

   I got out of bed and immediately my head began to pound. I decided that a shower would help. I went into the bathroom and started the shower, stepping inside it. 

    I heard someone come into the bedroom while I was in the shower ad I figured it was Grey. the movement stopped so I didnt worry about it. I got out of the shower and threw on shorts and a plain white T-shirt, putting my hair into a wet messy bun on top of my head and not even bothering with makeup.

   Exiting the bathroom i saw Grey sitting on the bed with my phone in his hands. He didnt look all to pleased, either. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked taking a step closer.

  "Amara, why is Michael still texting you?" He asked and held up the phone for me to see. I had received one text from Michael and it was simple, but enough to start an argument.

  Michael: Still haven't told the boyfriend about me?

My eyes widened in the slightest when I saw it. The look on Grey's face told me it was time. I couldn't keep lying to him, I had to tell him now.

   "I know that I said I would wait until you were ready, but Mari I cant. This is killing me, how can you claim to love me yet you are texting and deleting texts from other guys, there are so many things that I dont know about you and things that other people got to find out before i did? I need to know." he said, his voice breaking. "Are you cheating on me." The fact that the thought had even crossed his mind hurt me, but who could blame him. I would think the same thing.

  "no, god Grey of course not!" I said, my voice louder than I had wished for it to be. I didnt know where everyone else was but I'm sure Kimberlyn was sitting outside our room soaking this up.

  "Then you need to tell me what is going on because I cant come up with another reason?" 

   "I know, your right." Man I wish I could have ridden this out just a little farther, preferably not on the boat so that when he leaves me I have a free escape to leave and not be trapped here with him. That would be awkward. 

   I crawled onto the bed and sat down, crossing my legs. "Mari." Grey said quietly, I could still hear the hurt in his voice. "What is going on."

   "I dated Michael when i was fifteen years old." I began. "Back when i was in high school and a total stoner, back when I had parents. I was young and naive, all I wanted was to be loved. I thought that was what I had with Michael. I thought I loved Michael, I thought he loved me. Our relationship only lasted a month before it began to get physical. He had pretty much demanded that I sleep with him in order for him to be satisfied enough to stay with me, so I did. A month an a half into our relationship I gave myself away to him. After that, he knew he had me, he was so certain that I wouldnt leave him. He began to get angry about things. Me talking to my friends at school who were guys, me not coming right home after school because I had clubs." I could hear my voice breaking. I hated talking about this.

    "My parents loved him of course." I almost laughed, feeling tears rush to my eyes. "They called him my other half. It wasnt long after that I began to despise him. I didnt realize how toxic the relationship was until it got physical. One night I came home late from hanging out with a friend, one i knew he didnt like, so I didnt tell him. he was waiting for me in my room, mom and dad were out of town and Laken was at his girlfriends house. I got home and he hit me. Right across the face. I yelled at him after that and told him to get out."

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