Chapter 8

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The next day seemed to find me to easily. After my finals I was done with this semester of college. I had been doing well not being noticed until I was leaving my last final today when I was finally confronted.

I was walking to my car with Delta since we carpooled today. I was going to drop her off and head towards my internship when I spotted Ryan leaning against my car. My mood instantly changed when I saw him, he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and he looked upset. That was the first time I Have ever seen him look anything other than thrilled.

"What do you want?" I asked once I got to my car.

"I want to talk to you Mari." he said pushing himself off the vehicle and pulling the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Delta, do you wanna get in the car?" I asked and she gave me a look.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded holding up the keys. She took them and went to the passenger side.

I turned back to Ryan and frowned. "I don't want to talk to you, burn in hell." my voice was flat, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Mari, come on. This joke has gone far enough the whole dating Grey Thomas thing. We both know its not real, and we both know how this is going to end." He said and I scoffed. You have got to be kidding me, he sure had a big ego if he thinks I am going to take him back after everything that had happened.

"Oh yeah, and how is that?" I asked folding my arms across my chest. "you know you have a lot of nerve coming to talk to me like this. Its none of your business who I am dating. you cheated on me remember?" I argued.

"Are we really still on that?" He questioned dropping his hands to his side. I could see he was serious, he really didn't understand why I was still upset about this.

   "Yeah I'm still on that." I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. I couldn't believe I was in love with this guy, his attitude, his cockiness, he wasn't even that attractive.

    "Come back to my dorm, forget this and just move on with me. It's over now, it was funny for a while but it's time to get back to reality." He held out his hand like I as going to take it and blindly follow him back to his cluttered room.

    "I'm not going with you. I've moved on I have a date tonight with Greg that I have to get ready for and honestly I'm getting sick of this bullshit. Find someone else to fuck Ryan." I said before grabbing the door handle and pulling it open, knocking Ryan off my car. I got in and threw my bag into the back seat.

    This was it, I was done with college for the summer. I could go home and put it all away for three months.

    "You okay?" Delta pulled me out of my thoughts.

     "Yeah I'm over it." I said pressing my lips together as I pulled out of the parking lot.

After dropping Delta off at her house I decided to go home and get ready for my 'date' tonight with Grey. It was all very formal and I had no idea how to dress but I figured it would just be dinner.

I searched through my closet for something dressy yet not cocktail dressy. Laken should be home any minute now. Maybe he would know what to wear since he does know Grey after all.

I pulled out a couple options and sat them on my bed, staring at them. One was a light pink dress that was a sweetheart neckline with straps that hung off the shoulders. The other was a dark red dress that was tight all the way down but yet breathable. I imagine either one will do but it was a matter of what mood i was in. Shoes would be the deciding factor.

As I headed to my closet I pulled out my phone and hit call. Grey picked up on the second ring.

"Yes Amara." His smooth voice flowed through the phone.

"What did I tell you about calling me Amara it's so formal. I only get called Amara when I'm in trouble, It's Mari." I heard him hum on the other end of the phone and I smiled.

"Okay, Mari. Baby, what do you need I'm in a meeting?" That explains the baby part.

"Pink or red?" I asked and sat on my bed with two pairs of shoes in my hair, black sandals and black heels.

"I don't understand the question"

"Pink or red, dress colors?" I said again and heard him sigh. He took the phone away from his ear and I imagine covered it with his hand because it became muffled.

"Pink or Red Guys?" He asked out loud. I instantly grinned, he just asked everyone at his meeting. I heard a chorus of different answers being said at once.

"Pink it is." Grey'a voice returned and I nodded

"Pink it is then." I ended the called and grabbed the pink dress.


I was just adding highlighter when I heard a knock on the door. It was time. I could hear Laken opening the door and talking to Grey shortly before I headed out of my room.

    I thought I looked good, to say the least. My hair was curled loosely and it fell past my shoulders. I kept my makeup light and it complemented my light pink sun dress and my strapy sandals.

   Grey was standing at the door in his typical suit, though I doubt it being the one he wore to work today. He looked amazing as ever, this man could roll out of bed in the morning and still look like a model.

    "Mari, you look beautiful." He said smiling softly at me as I smiled back.

    "Thank you Grey, you look good yourself." I turned to Laken. "I'll be back later tonight I guess." I said and he nodded, not approving of our situation.

    I had to admit this was a bit weird, a fake date, to get to know the man that I lied to the world about dating. It was a unique situation to say the least.

    "Shall we?" Grey asked and I nodded not sure if I should actually be nervous about this since we were breaking up on Monday anyways.

    "Let's go." I smiled taking his extended hand. We left my house, leaving Laken behind along with the rest of my normal life. How was I supposed to know this night was going to screw up the next few months for me.

    Grey Thomas was going to be the death of me.

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