Chapter 23

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The next two days were rough, i didnt have any luck finding a job, and Laken said work had been miserable. Grey apparently hadn't been to work in two days, not since our phone call. Laken assumed that he just had a lot of work to do and was doing it from home. I think it was the phone call.

Today however was the day of the business dinner. Beverly was coming over to help Laken begin setting up the backyard. Everything was bought and paid for by TI and the DJ was supposed to get here at five and everyone else would be here at six and it was over at ten, which no one would stay that long anyways. But everyone was bringing their wives and it would be fun.

"okay, we are setting up in the back are you good for food?" Laken asked with Beverly by his side and i nodded.

"im all good, I will begin cooking, Nothing will have nuts in it." I said and Laken nodded. I got to work, putting on my music and getting to work on the food.

I was making casserole, two different kinds of pasta, green beans, cheesecake for desert, along with cookies and brownies, sweet corn, and mashed potatoes. Everything should take about five hours so I had to get working now because It wasn't going to be done in time if I didn't.


Hours later I was stepping out of the shower, Guests were showing up in an hour, Laken was downstairs helping the DJ get set up by the dance floor that he had created in our back yard. I had to admit it looked good, the entire yard was lit up with twinkle lights and there was a Dance floor in the middle and tables and chairs surrounding it.

I dried my hair and got to work on my makeup. It was a formal event so I had picked out a cute sundress that would look cute yet not to dressed up. I wasn't even part of the business but it was being held at my house so i was attending.

It wasn't long before people started to arrive. I was getting to work on my hair, curling it in big curls that framed my face. my hair was pretty long, it would be easy to curl.

I could hear Laken downstairs, welcoming people inside and showing them around, taking business to them. I finished my hair and went to slip on the dress.

"So do you think Mr. Thomas will be here?" I heard someone ask Laken and my breathing hitched.

"Uh, I dont know to be honest." Laken replied.

"Well, isnt he dating your sister? I heard she got fired."

"She quit, the whole dating the boss thing was to much, and I dont really know if they are still together." Laken Lied, he knew we broke up but he also didnt know if we were getting back together or not.

To much longer and our back yard was full of men in suits with girls on their arms. Almost everyone brought a date, I was sitting, watching from my window with a glass of champagne in my hand, not wanting to go downstairs. Grey hadn't shown up yet, i wasn't even sure if he was going to to be honest.

I had downed my second glass of Champagne and i was beginning to feel a little buzz. I moved to the other window to see the outside of the house. A black car had just pulled up, Grey's car. I watched him get out and look around for a second before nodding to his driver, Seth. I finished off my glass and got to my feet.

Laken met up with Grey in the front and they chatted for a few minuets before they dissapeared into the back. If I wanted to talk to Grey, now was my chance. I headed downstairs to find Laken at the bottom. "He isnt staying long, he is just making an appearance to keep formalities, if you want to talk you need to talk now." He said and I nodded.

"I know, im going." I said and pushed past him. I grabbed another glass of Champagne before heading out into the back yard.

"Really Mari?" Laken scolded and I rolled my eyes.

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