Chapter 26

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The days seemed to turn to months and before I knew it, I was a week away from starting school again. The transition from it just being Laken and I to it being Beverly, Laken and I was an easy one. She seemed to fit into our small family perfectly, I wouldn't be surprised is she was the one for Laken.

    Things between Grey and I were pretty easy going, I hadn't heard from Michael since the beginning of summer, I was beginning to think things were going back to normal. Now here I was going to be a junior in college and I was ready to go back. I missed all my friends that lived on campus and to far away to visit, Grey was a good distraction however.

    Delta and Jarak were officially a couple and Dylan had began dating some guy that went to our school but I hadn't yet met, things were pretty great these days. I was sitting in the living room drinking tea with Laken before Beverly rolled out of bed, she wasn't a morning person.

   "Good morning." I heard her voice around the corner and looked up to see her with a mess of red curls on top of her head. I offered a smile back and took a drink of my tea.

   "Good morning beautiful." Laken complimented. She came and sat next to Laken on the couch and looked at the TV. We were watching the news, which I had managed to stay off of for the past few months thank god.

    "What is our agenda for today?" Laken asked turning to me.

   "I need to go shopping for some new school supplies and get a list of things and books and stuff. I will probably be staying at Greys tonight if that's okay." I said and he nodded.

   "Anything eliciting for the last week before school?" I shrugged as he asked.

    "I don't know, Grey has been talking about a thing he wanted to take me to for work but he didn't know when it was so I'm gonna keep my schedule open I guess." I took another drink, finishing off my tea. "Why do interested?"

  Usually my social life was a way of finding out how the work week was gonna be, if I was having a fight with Grey the week would suck.

   "Grey is scheduled to have the next four days off, I figured you knew why?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow, this was something I didn't know of.

   Over the past few months Grey and I had grown very close I was with him almost every day and to be honest, I loved him. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him. It was unlike him to keep things from me. I didn't say anything else I just got up and went upstairs to grab my cell phone to call Grey.

He picked up on the third ring and sounded cheerful. "Good morning beautiful, what can I help you with?"

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for work." He lies and I raised an eyebrow, getting to my feet and walking to my window, "What are you doing?" He flirted and I couldn't help but grin. Why was he lying to me though.

"Watching outside my window, what's our plan for the week?" I asked waiting to see if he would take the bait.

"I am going to be pretty busy the rest of the week. What are your plans for the day?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "Laken told you didn't he?" He asked and I let out a laugh.

"What are you really doing Grey Thomas?" I asked with a good amount of suspicion in my voice.

"I am actually getting ready for work I'm just not going to work today. Seth with be around to pick you up in about an hour be ready." He said and hung up. That was abrupt and not what I was expecting.

I did as told however and went into the bathroom to shower. When I got out I began to go through my things looking for something to wear.

I pulled out a pair of shorts and a simple top that would work well with nice heels, I didnt apply a lot of makeup, pretty much just filled in my eyebrows and added mascara, figuring that whatever we were doing, we were probably traveling. My entire process took me about an hour, mostly because i spent a good amount of it laying on my bed deciding if i wanted to put lotion on my legs or not. I decided it was probably best however.

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