Chapter 21

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The rest of the night seemed to go by in a blur. I sat on the couch, in my pajamas watching old romance movies with a tub of ice cream in my hands, crying. I could see the concern on Laken's face, he didnt know what was wrong, he could only assume.

I could hear him on the phone, in the kitchen. "I think they broke up, I dont know." He whispered, trying to keep me from hearing. "can you just come over, she isnt talking to me and I dont know what else to do."

I rolled my eyes and ate another bit of my ice cream. No more than ten minutes later Delta and Dylan walked into the house with bags of food. "Hey babe." Dylan said sitting down next to me.

"Hey guys, im going to go to Beverly's tonight so the house is yours, make sure you lock all the doors and windows before bed okay?" Laken said and I stared at the TV. Things didnt seem real right now. I was in pain, but I knew it was for the best.

"okay bye." Delta said and Laken left the house. As soon as the door was closed I burst into tears. I leaned against Dylan as she wrapped her arms around me and let me cry.'

"I broke up with him." I cried, harder having to admit it.


"Because it wasnt going to work out girls. I knew it and so did he." I sat up and looked at them, wiping my eyes. "I think I love him, and if things were meant to be then they will. But you know what happened with Michael, I cant stand to be in another relationship like that." They both nodded, letting me cry.

We sat there for what seemed like ages, but was only an hour, none of us talking, just eating junk food and watching Nicholas Sparks movies. It was calming, after an hour I was ready to talk again. I didnt want to ruin this entire night.

"So, you and Jarak?" I finally said nudging Delta. She immediately grinned and blushed as we oo'ed.

"Its still really new, but he is a really good guy. Did you know he and Grey had been best friends since grade school?" She asked and my face fell. I did know that, from stories from dinner last night. God I Cant believe that was only last night.

"Delta." Dylan scolded and nudged her as Delta realized what she said and her eyes got wide.

"Oh my god, I'm such a rotten friend. I'm so sorry Mari." She said and I shrugged.

"Its fine, I just dont really want to see how the public reacts when they find out we broke up. God I cant believe I did that." I groaned throwing my arms up and falling back on the couch.

"Mari, its okay relationships come and they go, just another fish passing through your tank." Dylan said as I groaned again.

"You did not, just give me the fish reference." I said and let out a laugh.

"Okay no, we are done moping, we gave you an hour. Time to rebuild." Dylan said.

"We didnt do this with Ryan." I complained.

"You weren't upset about Ryan." Delta said and bounced off the couch.

"Whatever." I groaned and they pulled me off my couch and dragged me upstairs.

"We could start with your hair." Delta said pulling at my long blonde locks.

"No its staying blonde." I argued, I loved my hair.

"Then lets add high lights, maybe get you a spray tan. Then we will dress you up and do a photoshoot, that always cheers me up." Dylan grinned as they both looked in the mirror at me. "Tonight is going to be amazing and you are going to look super hot come the business dinner this saturday when you see Grey again." God dont remind me.

"Guys." I sighed and they raised an eyebrow. "I slept with him, we had sex last night and everything was completely and udderly perfect, and I ruined it."

"no!" Delta shouted. "You are giving yourself and him, a chance to change."

"I hate you guys." I said and they both laughed. Delta phone began ringing and she stepped out to answer it. The grin on her face proved that it was Jarak calling her.

Tonight was going to be interesting, I just couldnt wait until it was over.


Its a filler chapter

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