Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of pots and pans banging around in the kitchen. Sunlight was beaming in through the light Grey curtains covering the massive windows of the room I was in. The white bed spread was shoved on top of me and I felt like I was seating.

Wait, why did I hear pots and pans, the kitchen was all the way downstairs, I shouldnt be able to hear them from my bedroom.

My eyes shot open and I sat straight up. "this isn't my room." I whispered as I looked around. The light grey themed room was crisp and clean, and nothing like mine at all. Nothing hung on the walls, there was a closet and a dresser in the corner of the room and that was it.

I was in Grey Thomas' bed room.

Oh my god I was in his bedroom. I shot out of the bed and immediately looked at my feet. I had no pants on. Granted I didn't wear pants to the club last night but I should be in more than the button up T-shirt that I was wearing.

"Oh no, oh no. I slept with him. God I told myself I was no longer doing that." I groaned and looked around for my cloths. I mean it wasnt weird to sleep with my boyfriend, but I wanted to wait a while.

Put things off for awhile, make sure this was the right decision.

"Mari, we didnt sleep together. " Grey appeared at the door, wearing nothing but blue jeans. He looked good in the morning, bed head suited him.

"I'm wearing your shirt and your standing there in blue jeans and you expect me to believe that?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Yes." he laughed and I groaned and walked past him into the main room.

"Then what happened, and why am I not hungover?" I asked and he just laughed following me into the kitchen with him. He had breakfast made and set up for us to sit and eat.

"Well i fought with you to get you in the car. Then you came back to my place, puked all over your dress and my bathroom and then passed out on my couch. I carried you into my bed." He said and I groaned.

"I destroyed your bathroom?" I asked and he laughed and nodded.

"Its already cleaned up though. I have people for that." He said flashing his money around again.

   "Mmhm," I said and walked over towards the pile of food.

    "Hungry?" He asked following me over towards the food as he sat down. I nodded and he pulled me on his lap. "I like you in my shirt."

    "What happened to delta and Dylan last night?" I asked and he just laughed

    "Delta went home with Jarak and Dylan was sent home an hour after we got there."  Oh shit, Delta can't go home with guys she's to sweet.

   "Oh no, poor Delta." I said and Grey raised an eyebrow.

   "They didn't sleep together Mari, they didn't do anything actually. Jarak is a good man. I talked to him this morning and he was cooking breakfast for them, they stayed up and chatted all night where she essentially told him she was a virgin." Grey said and my eyes grew wide.

   "Oh my god, are you kidding."

    "What you didn't know about that?" He asked and I shook my head.

   "No no I knew she was a virgin, she has just never been home with a guy I'm surprised I didn't get a phone call about it." When I mentioned the phone call Greys face got hard. Like an instant change in tension in the air.

   "Well you definitely got a phone call last night." He said putting emphasis on the a. I frowned, why did that upset him. Who could have called and pissed him off so badly. I could feel his grip get slightly tighter on my legs as he pulled me closer towards him and his face softened. "Mari, who is Michael?" He asked and I froze.

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