Chapter 19

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I set my bag down on the table as I walked into Grey's place. "Finally!" He shouted as soon as he closed the door. I barley heard him before he grabbed my arm and spun me around, picking me up and kissing me.

I pulled away and laughed as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me into the bedroom. "Grey." I yelled as he threw me on the bed.

"That dinner was way to long." He said jumping on the bed next to me and rolling over. "I have been waiting for this all night." He grinned before leaning down and kissing me again.

I found myself falling harder and harder, this man was going to be the death of me. We made out on his bed for a couple minutes before i pulled away. "Okay, lets chit chat." I said and he groaned.

"I thought we decided we didnt need to." No, we did. I didnt want this to come back towards us when we were months in and still fighting over petty bullshit.

"You accused me of dating you for money yesterday Grey, i cant look past that." I argued. I propped myself up on my elbow and he groaned and pulled a pillow over his face. "Grey." I moaned and pulled the pillow off.

"Mari, you have to understand." He sat up and crossed his legs. "I wasn't always rich, I used to be like everyone else-"

"wow way to think of us little people." I joked and he narrowed his eyes.

"Mari, im serious." He glared and I shut up. "Money, makes you different. Our relationship started because you used me as an excuse to make your boyfriend jealous. It sucks but thats how it happened. Now we will be one of the very few who will ever know that, but you have to admit the fact that we actually ended up together makes me question weather its about me or just my money." I knew he had a point.

"Grey, this isn't about money. I dont give a shit how much you have, i know I dont come from money, but thats not what I want in life."

"What do you want in life Mari?" He asked, giving me a look from under his eyelashes. That look could melt me in my shoes.

"I want you Grey." The words left my mouth, before I could try to say anything else Grey was tugging me into him again.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was unbuttoning his shirt and clothes came flying off.


I woke up, expecting to see the sun shining through the curtains, but it was still dark outside. I awoke in a haze, looking around Grey's room. He was still asleep soundly covered in sheets.

God he was hot, even asleep with bed head when people look their worst, Grey was still beautiful.

I could hear the tapping noise of rain hitting the windows. Thunder rolled in the distance and lightning lit up the sky. My bare feet hit the floor as I grabbed Grey's button up off the floor and slipped it on over my head. I slipped on underwear and walked towards the windows that made up half the room. Watching the lightning streak across the sky over Chicago.

It was three am, the city was still asleep, like I should be. As a child I had always been afraid of thunderstorms, but being here, really high up, i could see the beauty in them. I turned and looked at Grey again, sound asleep in the bed.

This is what I wanted, I wanted him, now and always.

    I walked back over towards the bed and sat down on the edge of it. "I think I might love you Grey Thomas." I sighed before crawling back into bed. As soon as I layed down his arm stretched out and wrapped around me pulling me into his body which was letting out an insane amount of heat. He still seemed to be asleep, which made me smile.
    I pulled the blankets up over my body and snuggled deeper into his chest. "I love you to." It was barley a mumbled, but I still heard it. He was awake, the butthead was awaken

   "Grey are you awake?" I whispered, inches from his face. I reached out and poked his cheek and he moved slightly but not enough to show signs of being conscious.

   He was asleep, good.


   It was still storming when morning found us. Grey had to get up and disappear to work since it was Tuesday. He got out of bed and it instantly felt colder. "No, come back." I moaned not wanting to open my eyes. I heard the soft sound of him chuckling.

   "Mari, baby I have to get ready. Stay and sleep." He said and I groaned but didn't put up much of a fight, I was exhausted.

   I listened as he got in and out of the shower and him humming as he got into the closet to get dressed. I decided I didn't want to miss saying goodbye so I woke up just enough to see him. He walked out of the closet with dress pants on and a shirt in his hand.

   "Good morning." I mumbled getting on my knees at the edge of the bed.

   "I was wondering where my shirt went last night." He laughed pulling me closer to the edge of the bed. I smiled and titled my chin up, he responded by kissing my lightly.  "How did you sleep?" Now was my time.

   "The storm woke me up at 3 this morning so I sat awake for awhile." I answered honestly. He turned into a frown.

   "Why didn't you wake me up, I would have stayed up with you." He said and I shrugged, so he was asleep, or a good liar. "I need to get going." He said finishing putting on his suit jacket. He had a tie around his neck that had yet to be tied.

   "Nooo not yet." I said tugging him closer and wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled and kissed me again. I grinned underneath his kiss and pulled him into the bed with me. He just laughed and kissed me some more. It wasn't more than 30 seconds that he pulled away.

   "God I have no self control around you." He complained as he got off our bed. "Last night was fun, maybe we can do a repeat tonight?" He winked which sent me into a massive blush.  "What are you doing until work?" He asked and I shrugged.

   "Probably go back to bed, then get up and go home for a bit before work, can't be late. My boss is kind of an asshole to his employees." I teased and he rolled his eyes.

   "I bet his employees get paid a lot of money so he can be as mean to them as he likes." He answered and I just rolled my eyes. Grey still had a rep to protect.

    "Okay leave now." I joked and he raised an eyebrow but leaned in and kissed me once more before pulling away and resting one hand on each side of me, leaning over me.

  "Stay again tonight?" He asked and I sighed.

   "I don't know Grey, I'll have to check my calendar." I pretended and looked at my nails like there was even a remote possibility of me saying no. I was in deep shit. "All these boyfriends are lining up for me to stay with them yet I've chosen you two days in a row now. They are gonna get jealous." I joked and he just rolled his eyes.

   "Goodbye Amara." He said and I jumped to my feet.

   "No, one more." I said standing on the bed. He groaned but grinned anyways and pulled me off the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him, cupping his face to keep him in my hold. Our lips moved in sync and his hands gripped my legs keeping me in place. Like always it ended to soon.

   "No no, Mari I have to go unless you want me to take you right here." He pulled away and set me down.

   "I'm okay with that."

   "Then is have to shower again."

   "We could shower together."

    "We have been dating for four days and you are going to be the death of me. I can tell." He grinned before pushing off the bed. "I'll see you at 1." He said and I nodded before he left for work, leaving me alone in his flat.

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