Chapter 28

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    I woke up to the sound of the waves hitting the side of the boat. My eyes opened and I realized it wasnt yet morning, the moon was still out. I swung my feet off the side of the bed and got to my feet, grabbing a hoodie out of the closet and pulling it down over my head.

   Stepping outside i looked up. We were far enough away from the city to see the stars, it had been awhile since I had been able to see the stars. I walked towards the edge of the boat and took a seat at one of the benches that were lined against the boat. It was nice out tonight, the moon and stars and the feeling of the wind gently hitting my face.

   I had to tell Grey soon, he was going to want answers eventually. Laken still hadn't changed my number that I was aware of, maybe he would get it done tomorrow. Grey would want to know why I was changing my number and I dont know if I was ready to tell him about Michael.

    That was a huge part of my life that my parents didnt know of, what I did was unspeakable and mom and dad would never have forgiven me if they knew.

   "Hey." I easily recognized Grey's voice from behind me.

  "Hey." I mumbled, not looking at him. He took a seat next to me and took my hand in his, locking our fingers together.

  "Everything okay?" He asked and I nodded, biting my lip. "I wanted to talk to you, but you fell asleep before dinner so I figured best not to wake you." He said lowly.

   "I wanted to talk to you to."

  "Let me go first." He said before I could say anything else about Michael. "Earlier, when we had the conversation about you moving in with me." I nodded. "I dont want to force you into anything Mari, if you think we are moving to fast then we can slow down. I heard your conversation earlier with Laken. Im worried about you, something is going on that you arent telling me about and its scaring me. We have always been a team and now you are shutting me out." He did have a point. I felt so weird lately about it, Michael. I wished he would just vanish.

    "Because its a hard conversation for me to have Grey. Its not something I am proud of, and to be honest im not sure if you are going to still like me after I tell you."

   "Mari nothing is going to make me stop liking you. I asked you to move in with me for crying out loud."

   "But that is just it Grey. You dont actually know me yet,  you haven't lived with me you dont see how I eat and how I act in the mornings when I haven't gotten enough sleep. You haven't gone through my crazy weeks where I dont sleep because of homework."

  "Then let me. I want to know you Amara, every flaw and every mood swing, every secret you have I want to know. I just wish you felt the same way about me that I did about you." He didnt even know how I felt about him, maybe that was the problem, he knew that I was in love with him, he didnt know that I couldnt live without him. Forget about us only dating for three months, I wanted him, I wanted to marry him and live with him and see everything with him. I was ready to begin my life with him.

   "You wish I felt the same way about you as you do about me. Grey I love you, I love you with everything in me and I am terrified that once you see me you are going to leave. Thats why I was so cautious to move in with you Grey. I am so irrevocably in love with you." I could hear my voice breaking as I spoke. Grey's face was full of confusion, like he wasnt understanding what I was saying.


   "I love you Grey. I've loved you since before we began dating. I dont care that we have only been together three months." He grabbed my hand that he was holding and pulled me into him, pressing his lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync as I moved to take off my hoodie.

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