Chapter 39

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     The next day seemed to fly by. I was going to see Laken after classes today, talk to him about Beverly and then maybe tell him that I was pregnant. I hadnt decided that far yet.

    Grey and I were going to stay in tonight, have an us night and just watch movies and hang out, the plan wasn't really finite. 

    Before I knew it I was pulling up to my old driveway. Beverly's car was in the driveway so she either said yes or she was moving out today. I got out of my car and headed towards the door. I hadn't really seen Laken since I moved in with Grey.  I missed him, and our morning routine.

    I didn't bother knocking, it would seem to weird, I let myself in, making sure to make noise so they knew someone was here. "Lake!" I yelled through the house not seeing him in the living room.'

   "Mari?" Laken came around the corner of the kitchen in pajamas bottoms and a T-shirt.

   "Hey Laken." I grinned. I set my stuff down and ran over to him throwing my arms around his neck. "I really missed you." Maybe it was the hormones but seeing my brother made me almost want to cry.

   "I missed you to. Its not the same without you here, to quiet. I miss the twins to, god help me." He joked as I playfully hit him.

   "Be nice." We wandered into the living room and I sat on the couch. I pulled my feet up on the couch and grinned. " havent called me, your keeping me on my toes." I grinned. He blushed and looked down.

   "She said yes." He grinned, nodding. "Mari. I'm getting married." He said almost like he couldnt believe it. 

   I squealed and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Oh my god Lake, thats amazing!" I yelled. He hugged me back, setting me back on the couch.

   "It is, im getting married. God I never thought this would happen. I thought I would be taking care of you for the rest of my life, and now you have Grey and you abandoned me and..." He teased as I hit him again.

   "Not fair."

   "Is so." He stuck his tongue out. 

     "Where is she?" I asked looking around, surprised she hadn't appeared yet.

    "She is out getting facials with her friends." I nodded and sat back in my seat. "So what about you, anything new and exciting?" He asked and I nodded again. I needed to tell him. He saw my face drop, out of fear and he narrowed his eyes. "Is it Michael?"

   "No, no. God no." I said rolling my eyes. "Its uh. Well you aren't going to like it."

   "Your also engaged. And he didn't even ask." Laken said sitting back. I could tell he was kidding, but there was a part of him that wasn't sure, I could see it in his eyes. 

   "no. I'm not engaged. You would know, Grey would at least have the decency to ask you....I think." I joked. I knew Grey would ask. Last night didn't count okay, that wasn't a proposal that was a plan. 

   "Then what is it, don't make me guess." I inhaled deeply, and nodded.

   "Laken, I- well I'm Pregnant." I watched his face freeze. "I know, its early, we weren't expecting it so soon. I mean we weren't expecting it at all actually."

   "Wow," was all he could manage to breathe out. "You are twenty, Mari. Twenty years old. I'm twenty four and just got engaged. You got pregnant by a billionaire." Well I didn't really like to put labels on it but yeah i guess.

   "Yep." Was all I squeezed out. I wasn't sure if he was mad or happy or upset, I couldn't read him.

    "Wow. I dont know what to say, is this a good thing?" He asked and I sighed. He was indifferent about it.

   "I think it is. I mean I kept it from Grey for awhile, I didn't know how he was going to react. But everything seemed to work out. He wanted to get married but I shot it down. I am not ready for that. I honestly don't even know if I am ready for a child, but I mean I have nine months to prepare." I rambled and he chuckled.

   "Mari, Shut up. This is good news. A child shouldn't be something bad. Your old enough and I mean Grey is stable enough. Now all you have to do is Figure out the whole college thing." He had a point. I hadn't even considered what I was going to do about school.

    I couldnt help but smile, covering my mouth as I did. "Lake. Your getting married. I'm pregnant. You have to have the wedding before my due date." I said and his mouth fell open.

     "That's less than nine months!" He said as I laughed. I couldn't stop. I was so happy, I missed my brother, my life was falling into place. I couldn't believe that two days ago I was considering running away and having another abortion. 

    I sat in the living room of my old home and talked to Laken. He told me about Beverly and how things were going and everything they had planned and how thrilled she was. He wanted us to start spending more time together since we were going to be related soon. I agreed to go on a few dates with her, nails and facial and stuff. 

    This was good, it was really therapeutic. he eventually got us both glasses of chocolate milk and we turned on the TV, like old times. Basing bad movies.

    It was a few hours later when I checked the time and my mouth fell open. "Oh my god Lake, its already six. I have to get home, Grey is home from work." I said getting up.

    "Okay okay, I love you and be safe." He kissed my cheek before I ran out the door and into my car.


I stepped off the elevator into the flat and set my backpack down. "Grey?" I asked looking around not seeing him. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back as I laughed. "Grey, let me go." I squealed as I turned around in his arms.

   "I have texted you and called you, where have you been?" He grinned, kissing my cheek, and my neck.

   "I lost track of time talking to Laken. I told him today." I said and Grey stopped and looked at me and nodded. 

   "How did he-"

   "He took it really well. He is actually happy for us. Grey he is getting married! Bev said yes!" I yelled as he grinned and picked me up and spun me around. 

    He set me back down and I waited for my head to catch up. "I love you so much. One day I am going to marry you." He smiled. I couldnt help but pull him in to kiss me.

   This was all going to be Okay.


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