Queen of Spiders

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My second class was chemistry with Mr. Goff. He sat me in the back next to a curly-haired boy with a faded baseball cap on. He introduced himself as Yenn.

Despite how loud and eccentric Mr. Goff was, he still somehow managed to be really boring, so we talked back and forth a little. Nothing more than mindless chatter, really. I think the only interesting part of class was when Yenn nearly set his wispy soul patch on fire with the bunsen burner.

Third hour was French two with Mrs. Moss. Yet again, I got sat in the back.

I wasn't particularly good at French one, so when Mrs. Moss started to address the class only in French it was a little difficult to follow along. I gave up trying to understand her about halfway through and started to text Freddy and my supreme overlord because I was a great student.

So, yeah. I'd say it took roughly about forty-five years for fourth hour to roll around. My chemistry and French classes were frozen in time, I think.

But the bell did eventually ring, and I barely managed to make it out of the door before I felt myself being pulled aside. Unsurprisingly, it was my two white-haired friends and the puppet.

"How the hell did you guys get here so quickly?"

"We snuck out of class, dude."

"You just walked right out the door when the teacher wasn't looking?"

"No, of course not! We were more tactful than that. There were a few missing tiles on the ceiling, so we stood on a desk and climbed up into one of the holes," Leslie explained super casually, as if it was a completely normal thing to do. 

I gave her a weird look as we started to walk to fourth hour. "That sounds super unnecessary."

"Trust me, when Mrs. Shrimpton starts up karaoke, it's VERY necessary," she said with a serious look on her face.

"You'll never experience anything more horrific," Bon-Bon muttered darkly.

"...okay then."

We arrived at our fourth hour class rather quickly, which was math with Mrs. Masters. 

She handed us some thick ass packets and told us to do the whole thing without any further instruction. According to Bon-Bon, this was normal. 

I didn't really know what I was doing since I sucked ass at math. I ended up having to repeatedly ask Leslie for help because she seemed to actually know what she was doing.

And because Freddy was busy making a drawing of a bear, two foxes, and a clown eating pizza on his packet while Bon-Bon repeatedly questioned the realism of his artwork.

The bell rang a second time during the middle of class, signaling the start of second lunch, which was what we had. 

Freddy and Leslie practically dragged me out of the classroom before the bell was even finished ringing. Well, it wasn't really a bell as much it was just a really long and loud beep, but whatever. IRRELEVANT.

So moving on, the lunchroom was surprisingly kinda empty when we arrived. 

It was downstairs, but the ceiling extended to the second floor, which you could see via railing that ran around the walls. While there were normal lunch tables, there were also booths that ran along the walls, which were what we were apparently heading towards.

We stopped just short of an already occupied booth, where there was a girl sitting sideways on one of the seats reading a book, her long legs hanging over the edge. She had slightly curly blue hair that was pulled into a messy bun, taupe brown skin, and almond-shaped eyes that were a startlingly bright shade of magenta with flecks of purple. 

I don't think I had ever seen somebody with such beautiful eyes before.

And as for her clothing, she was dressed in leggings, a plain white tank top, and a denim jacket. 

My first thought was, 'Holy shit, she's gorgeous.'

Because she didn't immediately notice us, Leslie decided to announce our presence. She yelled, "Yo, Spider Queen!"

The girl looked up from her book, smiling. "Hey, guys!" She adjusted her position so that her feet were back on the floor.

I took the seat at the far end of the booth across from the girl, Leslie sat right next to her, and Freddy sat next to me.

"W-WE BROUGHT A NEW FRIEND W-WITH US!" Freddy slammed his lunch onto the table, spraying bits of it everywhere. He still had that sticker on his forehead, by the way.

"So I see," she said before directing her attention towards me. "Hi, I'm Blair."

"Oh, I'm—"

"Baby, right?"

"Yeah... How did you know that?"

"I was in your French class." 

I tried to remember if I saw her in there, but honestly, everybody except the teacher was a blur.


"Shit, you're in that class? If I'd known that I would've had you come with us earlier, dude."

"I tried to talk to you guys but you all left really quickly."

"Fuck." Leslie started to write on her hand, most likely to take note of this apparently new information.

"So..." Blair turned back towards me again. "I know you're new to this school, but are you already from this state or...?"

"I'm from Utah."

"Was it nice there?"


She laughed a little at my blunt response. "Oh. I take it you like it better here then?"

"Yeah. So far this place sucks a lot less ass."

She laughed again. She had a nice laugh.

"And how long did it take for these two," she gestured towards Leslie and Freddy, "to get you to join our weird friendship cult?"

"Only a few minutes, I'd say."

"Well, at least Leslie has someone else to pawn her weird stickers off to now." Blair eyed the sticker that I had completely forgotten was on my face. It was still mostly covered by my slightly side-swept bangs, but that didn't stop her from noticing it, apparently.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." 

Leslie gave Blair a look of feigned offense. "How dare you! They're not weird, they're fucking rad! And you can't judge 'cause you don't even have one yet. Want one? Maybe if you have one you'll finally understand how fucking rad they are."

"I appreciate the offer, but—" Before Blair could finish, Leslie stuck a sticker on the front of her jacket.

'Fucking majestic in every way.'

"Alright then."

"You know what, dude? Have another one. It's on me." Leslie stuck another sticker on her jacket.

'This person will curb stomp you.'

"I don't really—"

"Actually, have one more." She stuck another sticker on Blair, this time on her cheek.

'Lettuce, mayonnaise, and onions.'

"Thank you. You're so kind, Leslie."

"Yeah, I know."


"Hell yeah! I like the sound of that!" She finally stuck one on herself.


"Anybody walking by is going to have multiple questions," I commented.

"That's basically just how lunch with us is every day."

We continued to talk about random stuff until the bell beeped again, getting decorated with a few more stickers along the way.

And then we all had to go back to class, sadly.


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