The Final Push

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"Why are you so convinced that there aren't any birds in Canada?"

"Because in every picture of Canada I have ever seen, there aren't any birds!"

"Bonnibel, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, if I've never seen a picture of Canada, does that mean the whole country doesn't exist?"

Bonnibel huffed, clearly not agreeing with me.

This was not the first time that she had tried to convince me that Canada had no birds during a walk to school, and I doubted that it'd be the last.

As we entered the school parking lot, I could spot Blair talking to Freddy and Fallon by the entrance.

Blair noticed me and waved, so I waved back.

"Are you and that blue-haired girl dating?" Bonnibel asked abruptly.

I choked a little.

I could feel my entire face heat up.

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Whenever I see you two in the hallways you're always holding hands or hugging, and she looks at you like you mean the world to her or something." When I couldn't manage to get anything out in response, she kept talking, "Anyway, even though you guys aren't dating, know that you'd make a cute couple!"

And then she ran off to talk to her other friends without another word.

I looked back towards the entrance.

It appeared that my three friends had gone inside.

I stood outside for a minute longer trying to actually work up some kind of courage before heading in too.

I had suddenly decided that I wasn't gonna wait another day.

Once I was actually inside the school, I quickly found Fallon again. They were sticking their red coat into their locker.


They turned their head to look at me. "Oh, hey Baby. What's up?"

"Do you have any idea where Blair is?"

"She told me she was going to the media center a few minutes ago. Why?"

"I have to talk to her about something, I'll tell you later!" I was already halfway down the hallway by the time I had finished my sentence.

"Oh, alright. Bye?"

The media center wasn't too far from where I was.

The walls were like, 80% windows. And as I walked by and looked in, I found that it was crowded as fuck.

I shouldn't have been surprised, though. It usually was before school, because the cafeteria tables were never set up in the morning and people wanted somewhere to talk to their friends and finish homework that they didn't do.

I headed through the doors and said hi to the lady behind the desk. 

It didn't take long for me to find Blair since her blue hair kinda stuck out. She was reading a book at a table near the back, where there weren't as many people.

"Hey, Blair!"

She looked up, setting her book down on the table.

"Hey, Baby." A smile settled on her face. "What are doing here? I thought you just went straight to your first class in the morning."

"I usually do, but Fallon told me that I'd find you here," I explained. "Remember the other day when I told you that I wanted to talk to you about something?"

"Yes." Blair suddenly seemed more interested. 

"Well, I kinda wanna talk about it now. Unless you would rather wait until later."

She shook her head. "No, we can talk now."

"Okay." I pulled out one of the rickety ass media center chairs, dumped my bag onto the floor, and sat down next to her. "Alright. I'm gonna try not to take four years to say what I have to say, but I'm also really fucking nervous right now so no promises."

Blair placed one of her hands on top of mine.

"Hey, it's alright. Take your time." She smiled encouragingly. "And remember, you don't have to be nervous to tell me anything."


I took a deep breath.

I tried to hold eye contact, but it only made me more nervous so I looked at the carpet instead.

"Sooo...I kind of..." forcing the words out shouldn't have felt like pulling my damn teeth, but it did anyway, ""

My entire face felt hot.

"As in...more than a friend."

There was a moment of silence between us.

"You like me?" Blair's voice was quieter than usual.

I nodded.

"Well, that's good to know," she said. "Because I like you too, Tenner."

I may or may not have malfunctioned for a moment.

I finally looked back up at her to see if she was messing with me or not. "Wait, are you being serious?"

"Yeah. I'm being serious."

"No, really. Are you fucking with me?"

"I am not. I've liked you for nearly as long as I've known you."

I genuinely didn't expect to hear that when I started talking to her.

I was pretty sure there wasn't a single person on the planet who could compete with how happy I felt at that moment.

The most beautiful and amazing girl I had ever fucking met actually liked me back.

Like, what the hell?

How was this actually the reality that I was a part of??

"So," Blair took my other hand, "now that we've got all of that established, do you want to... be my girlfriend now?"

"Be your girlfriend?" I asked blankly.

"I mean, yeah. We have mutual feelings going on here, isn't that usually what happens after?"

You know what? Scratch that. Someone could beat how happy I felt after hearing that she liked me back. It was me, after also hearing that question.

"Yeah, holy shit, I would love to be your girlfriend!"

"Okay, awesome." Blair grinned and looked up at the clock on the wall. "As much as I would love to stay here with you, I should start heading to class now or I'm gonna be late." 

She kissed me on the cheek before standing up and grabbing her things.

"I'll see you during French."

And then she just walked away.

I watched her leave with my hand where she had just kissed me, trying -- and failing -- to bite back the stupid ass grin on my face.


This seemed like an appropriate chapter to post on Sister Location's birthday.

I really suck at writing scenes like these, but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway.

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