The Sacred Place

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Want to know how Tuesday went for me?


Well, too bad. I'm going to tell you anyway.

It started off as pretty average.

Dad was still asleep.

Eddie set the toaster on fire by putting Pop Rocks in it and I had to grab the fire extinguisher to put it out.

Normal stuff.

I walked to school and talked with Bonnibel about whether or not there are birds in Canada.

And then when I actually got to school and started heading to class, something weird happened.

Out of fucking nowhere, someone grabbed my damn arm and pulled me into a dark room.

I uttered an, "Okay, what the fuck?" as it happened.

The lights flicked on, and it turned out I was in a bathroom.

A girls one it seemed, considering the lack of urinals.

It also turned out that the person who yanked me into the bathroom was Freddy.

"HEY, BABY!" he greeted with his usual dopey grin.

"Hey..." I greeted back. "Is there a reason why you pulled me in here?" I peered past him and found more people.

Fallon, painting their nails.

Leslie, sitting on the edge of the sink with Blair's glasses on.

And Blair, standing beside her.

"Hey, Baby! 'Bout time you got here!"

"What the hell is going on in here?"

"This is a special place that we're showing you. This is—" Fallon started dramatically, only for Leslie to unceremoniously finish with, "Our secret meeting place or whatever the fuck you want to call it."

"...your secret meeting place is a school bathroom, where people come in and out every hour?"

"INCORRECT!" Freddy yelled.

"Nobody comes into this bathroom. They think it's haunted," Blair explained casually.

"Oh, that makes sense. I guess. Anyway, what made you all decide to show me this today?"

"Well my dude, we've known you for weeks now. You're dope as hell and officially locked into our friend group —" Leslie started, only for Fallon to finish with, "And when you're officially locked in, that means we can introduce you to our 'secret stuff'. Like this bathroom. Special, eh?"

"What do you guys even do in here?"

"Well, y'know, aside from the normal bathroom activities like pissing and whatever, we really just come here to talk, I guess. Have secret meetings, if you will."

"Wow, that's wild."

"I know man, we're pretty crazy. I really hope that you can handle all of the stuff we get up to."

"And speaking of stuff we get up to, we'd like to have you join us more, Tenner," Blair segued.

"Yeah, like, homecoming is at the end of this week, and it'd be really rad if you joined all of us."

"You guys want me to come to homecoming with all of you?"


"Also, I know it's still kinda far away, but if you're not doing anything for Halloween you oughta come over mine and Fallon's place. We usually hang out there."

"Well, I don't think I'm doing anything on either of those days, so I'll go." I shrugged.

Look at me actually getting invited to things. Crazy.

"Sick." Leslie hopped off the sink. "With all that shit out of the way, we should probably start heading to class."

Blair raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you care about getting to class on time?"

"Since now, 'cause I already have two tardies and one more will get me a detention."

"Since when do you care about having detention?" Fallon asked.

"Also since now, 'cause I got plans after school."


"Yeah, and we're wasting time. Let's go!" Leslie attempted to walk through the door but ended up smacking her shoulder on the doorframe. "Ah, fuck! That's right, I forgot I have your glasses on my face somehow."

She pulled off Blair's glasses and handed them back to her.

"I'm not sure how that's possible, but thank you for finally returning them."

"You're welcome, man. Now let's go!"

Leslie dragged Blair, Freddy, and I out of the bathroom and towards the direction of Schmidt's room. Fallon ended up staying behind because they were planning on waiting for their nails to dry.

And if you're wondering why Leslie was dragging Blair in the direction of a class she didn't have, her first hour was on the way to ours.

"By the way dude, have you still not found your contacts? It's been like a century."

"Oh, no, I found them a while ago. But someone complimented my glasses and it kind of made me want to wear them more."



'Is she talking about me?'

"You know, I feel like you're trying to imply something to someone, but I have no clue what it is."

"Good," Blair said. "Anyway, my class is over here. I'll see you three later." She messed up my hair before walking away.

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