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Turned out that homecoming was on Friday, which was at the end of the week. Me and the clown posse bought tickets on Wednesday.

We ended up inviting Eddie and Yenn too.

Eddie was really fucking excited. Like, dangerously so. He started going on about how he was gonna wear his brightest suit and how he needed to hunt down a date.

I tried telling him that he didn't need a date because we were going in a group, but he didn't listen to me because he was too busy running down the hallway, searching for his victim.  

I just sorta let him go because I couldn't be bothered to run after him. It was too early for running.

By the time Friday actually managed to roll the hell around I guess Eddie did find somebody. He introduced us to her during lunch, since we all had the same lunch that day.

He stalked over to our table and snuck up behind me, practically shouting when he decided to make his presence known.

"Hey, Riley!"

I jumped.

An obnoxious, high-pitched whistle filled my right ear for about half a second. My hand jumped to the side of my head to make it fucking stop.

'Stupid hearing aid.'

Oh yeah, and while that was happening I also managed to spill my damn juice on the tabletop.

"Oh no, my juice!"

"I'll buy you another one later! But right now I gotta inform you that I found a date!"

I turned around in my seat slightly to face him, kinda shocked. "You did?"

Eddie nodded his head rapidly. "Yeah, this is her!" He pulled a girl out of seemingly nowhere. She was tall with long greenish blonde hair and gray eyes. Kinda shy looking.

Leslie fucking choked, "Paige!?"

"Hey." She waved.

"Oh hell the fuck no."

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Yeah dude, that's my sister!"

"Oh, shit."

"Y'know what? It's all fair game, I suppose," Leslie said. "But if you're taking my sister, then I'm taking yours."



"Uh... you do realize that would be me, right?"

"Yeah. What's wrong? Don't wanna go on a date with me? How dare you."

At my awkward, half-baked, incomprehensible response of nonsense sounds, Leslie just laughed.

"Damn, chill, dude. I was just messing with you."

Even the sound of one of my friends who I only liked platonically saying something not actually gay managed to make me lose my fucking cool. Real smooth, me. Real smooth.

'I'm not going to survive this fucking school year.'

"Okay, wait. Friend dates isn't a bad idea!" Eddie piped up again. "You guys could totally go off in pairs for fun!"

Of course Eddie liked that idea. 

"I mean, I guess we could do that," Leslie said.

"Yeah, why not? It could be more fun that way," Blair added.


"But like, how the fuck do we wanna do this?"

Eddie's hand shot up into the air, and he started waving it so intensely and dramatically that he was in danger of hitting anybody passing by him. "Oh, oh, let me pick who goes with let me pick who goes with who! I'm really good at deciding stuff!"

"Ehh, I don't know, man..."

"C'mon, please?"

"I mean, Eddie probably doesn't have that much of a bias... y'know considering he that he hangs out with you guys about as much as I do," Yenn said.

"Alright, fine. Fair enough. Go ahead and pick for us."

"Yay!" Eddie dragged himself and his date over to the two vacant seats beside Yenn. "I have the ultimate tool for decision making with me, so this should be easy." He then proceeded to reach into his gray backpack and pull out a black marker and one of those spinners from a fucking board game.

"Oh my god," I muttered. 

'Honestly? Genius.'

Eddie spun the wheel after writing all of our names onto a different section. Violently, might I add.

First pair was Fallon -- who left the table a few minutes ago to buy a breadstick or something and had just returned -- and Yenn.

The collective reaction from the two was, "Yeah, alright I guess."

I'd make some comment about hoping to be paired with Blair, but I'm pretty sure you all already knew that my gay ass was hoping that.

The next pair was Freddy and...


"YAY, W-WE'RE A PAIR!" Freddy held his hand up in the air for a high five, but Leslie gave him a fist bump instead.

And with them together, that meant—

"I guess that means Riley is with Blair."

We both looked at each other.

It took a lot of willpower to not grin like an idiot.

"It would appear that way," Blair said.

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"I would say see you at homecoming, but we have sixth hour together. So actually, I'll see you then."

"Right. See ya."

She then messed up my hair again before heading to class.


Paige was supposed to be Phantom Mangle btw

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