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"Does it bother you that your right hand has never touched your right elbow?"


"Why do you ask the questions you ask?" 

"'Cause I'm curious about life."

"I'd believe that if the question you asked me yesterday wasn't, 'Do you think a penis wizard would use a dildo wand instead of a normal wand?'."

"Oh yeah, speaking of PW, do you think he'd wear a normal necklace or an anal bead necklace?"

"And then the day before, you asked me if a vampire could drink their own neck blood with straw glasses."

"...but would he wear an anal bead necklace?"

Blair sighed, "Yes Leslie, the penis wizard would wear an anal bead necklace."

"This conversation is weird," I commented.

"It is, isn't it? I feel like Leslie makes the prospect of talking about an anal bead necklace seem normal. Why, Leslie? Why are you like this?"

Leslie shrugged. "I'm not sure, dude. I am not sure. But I deeply apologize for bringing anal beads into the conversation again. To make up for it, I'll give you a free sticker." 

She put another sticker on the front of Blair's denim jacket.

'Anal Beads'

"Where do you even get these?" she asked. 

"I make them in my bedroom during the late hours of the night and sell them on the internet. I also carry some around with me purely for entertainment purposes." 

How did I manage to find these people? How was one of the first people I met in school someone who makes and sells weird-ass gold star stickers?

Why did one of them have 'anal beads' printed on it?

Things I honestly couldn't tell you.

"Well...good job on making a profit?"

"Thanks, I know."

There was a solid five seconds of silence before Blair asked if she could use my eraser. After thanking me for the eraser, she asked, "What's with all stuff written on your hands?" 

They were completely covered in marker by that point.

"Oh, people keep giving me their phone numbers for some weird reason. And instead of putting them on paper or into my phone as a normal individual would," I gave Leslie a look and she stuck her tongue out at me, "they've been writing it on my hands."

"I can get behind that." Blair took my hand and the marker that Leslie was using to write (since she apparently never got her pencil back from outside the window) and wrote her number underneath Freddy's.

(555)21-0393 Text me sometime :)

I stared down at the neat cursive now written on my hand. It almost felt like I asked a celebrity to sign some part of my body in permanent marker. Except instead of it being a celebrity, it was a really cute girl at my school.

"Damn, Blair. That's the quickest I've ever seen you give somebody your number."

"Is it? Oops."

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