Lost Pencil

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I couldn't really focus for the rest of math class. Not only because I hated math with a burning passion, but also because my gay ass couldn't stop thinking about Blair.

I went from zero to gay so fast I think I gave myself whiplash. One lunch period with her and she was already all I could think about. I don't think I had ever experienced something like that before. 

It was weird.

"Yo dude, you okay? You're paying less attention than Freddy all of the sudden." Leslie's gaze traveled over to the blue-eyed boy, who had added a rabbit and a ballerina to his doodle.

I snapped back to reality, looking up from the math problem I had stopped attempting to get right fifteen minutes ago.

"Yeah, I just... y'know, feel like this packet has sucked away my life force."

I mean, that was half true. I'm pretty sure that I did lose a bit of my life force to that packet.

"Damn, already? That was quick. Not that surprising, I guess. I mean, math is my favorite subject and it still sucked away my life force too. And poor Fred only lasted five minutes on the first day before losing his."

"WHO NEEDS LIFE FORCE WHEN Y-Y-Y... WHEN YOU CAN MAKE STUFF LIKE TH-THIS?" Freddy turned around his packet to show off his finished drawing which had turned out pretty decent. It depicted two foxes, a clown in a dress, a bear with a rabbit puppet, and a ballerina chilling on top of some equations and eating pizza together.

"Oh wow, that's really good," I commented.


Leslie studied the drawing closer. "Yeah, looks way better than the last one. Who're the characters in this one supposed to be?"


 I had no idea who Fallon was.

"Why are Fal and I foxes? Because our last name is Foxx?"

"Y-YEAH!" Freddy nodded.

"Well, that figures."

The bell beeped again, signaling the end of math.

It looked like I was gonna be on my own again.

I had to ask Leslie for directions to my next class before we parted ways and she dragged Freddy off in another direction.

My next class was art with Mr. Hill. Her classroom was located on a ramp between some lockers, and I had to wait two fucking minutes for an opportunity to get through the door because I couldn't breach the wall of people.

Mr. Hill spotted me as soon as I walked into the room and was overly nice and welcoming in comparison to the other teachers I had the pleasure of meeting so far. I mean, the other teachers weren't assholes or whatever, they just gave off that "I don't get paid enough for this" vibe with a hint of "I'm dead inside" sprinkled on top.

Anyway, Mr. Hill directed me to the only empty seat in the room, which was an uneven stool located at a table with three other kids.

One was a burly boy with jet black hair that was missing his left eye. He introduced himself as Lyle.

The second was a fair-skinned girl with super curly golden blonde hair. She told me to call her Frankie. 

The third was an individual in a pink dress, red Converse, and a gray baseball jacket. They had incredibly long bleached white hair, amber eyes, and the same thin face and narrow nose that Leslie had.

"I'm Fallon," they said.

It then became extremely obvious to me that they were the same Fallon that had been mentioned during fourth hour, and that Leslie was their sibling. 

The teacher told us to draw something related to the six principles of design or whatever, and we did while I talked to the people at my table. It felt really weird to actually be kind of social because I typically wasn't.

The class was also about ninety percent freshmen and was much louder as a result, so I had to ask Fallon, Lyle, and Frankie to repeat themselves many, many times.

By the end of class, I could hear even less than before, nearly got stabbed with two pencils, almost fell off my rickety ass stool four times, and I somehow got three more phone numbers written on my hands. Because apparently, despite being in a fucking art classroom, there was "no paper around".

Here u go (555)75-0006

(555)65-6569 -the other Foxx

(555)32-0050 LEFTY :P

After all those fun shenanigans were over, I had to go to my last class: government with Fitzgerald.

Upon locating the classroom within my maze of a school, I spotted a few people that I recognized: Blair and Leslie.

I awkwardly approached their table, hoping they'd let me sit with them again. 

"Are you still coming over after school?"

"Sorry dude, I can't. I have detention."

"Oh no, what did you do?" Blair sighed.

"I managed to get into Afton's computer."

"Leslie, that's super inappropriate!"

"Not as inappropriate as his search history."

"...what was in his search history?"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Why were you even in his office to begin with?"

"'Cause he caught me climbing out the window during fifth hour."


"Because Tom Springer threw my only pencil out of it."

"You could've just asked to borrow a pencil from somebody else, you know."

Leslie groaned loudly, "Damn it, I didn't think of that!"

"How did you not think of that?"

"I don't know, man!"

"Hey, guys!" I greeted awkwardly.

They stopped talking about whatever ridiculous shit Leslie had done to land herself in detention and turned their attention towards me.

"Hello again, Baby."

"Good to see you, motherfucker!" Leslie yelled. "Come join us!"

I joined the little table party just as class began.

Mr. Fitzgerald tried to teach us some shit. I'd tell you about it, but I'd rather not bore you more than I probably already have. He assigned us some long-ass worksheet and told us we could talk quietly amongst ourselves.

As soon as he said that, the classroom erupted into noise and disorder.

He then slumped into his chair, not bothering to do anything about it.

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