Underneath the Clown Lip

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"Alright, my dudes." Leslie held up a glow stick, which cast a neon green light upon her face. "Who's ready for a potentially frightening experience?"

There was a chorus of yeses from everyone except Bon-Bon, who muttered something about hating everybody.

"Rad." She grinned. "That's what I like to hear. Now, before we head in, I'm gonna need Baby to hold her arm out."

I eyed her suspiciously. "Why?"

"So that I can tape this glow stick to it." She reached into her coat and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "It's fucking dark out here and we're gonna need to be able to see shit when we stray from the light poles."

"I don't see how taping one glow stick to my arm is gonna help all eight—"

Bon-Bon made an undignified noise.

"Nine of us see," I said, even though I still held my arm out and let her tape a glow stick to it.

"I've got more than one with me, ya loser." Leslie reached back into her coat and pulled out a big ass packet of glow sticks.

They, like the one that had just been stuck to my arm, were the emergency kind that you're supposed to use in power outages and shit, and they were way thicker, longer, and brighter than the average glow stick.

The next thing I knew, Leslie was taping three more onto me. One on my other arm, and one on each of my legs.

Words could not describe how cool I felt with a bunch of glow sticks taped to me and a party hat on my head that read, "suck my dick" all over it.

She repeated the process with everybody else, including herself. She also taped one onto the front of Bon-Bon's vest.

"I hate the color green," he complained.

"Well that sucks for you, 'cause I don't have any other colors."


"Yeah, man. Everybody grab somebody and then we can go in."

Almost wordlessly, all of us grabbed our partners.

Eddie ended up with Bonnibel, Fallon with Yenn, Freddy and Bon-Bon with Leslie, and Blair with me. None of that should be a surprise.

And then, with everybody partnered up, we all started heading into the abandoned amusement park that stood before us.

I threaded my fingers through Blair's. "I genuinely feel like we've just stepped onto the set of a horror movie."

"This place does scream that, huh? All we need now is for some sort of eighties slasher villain to show up and kill us."

"Try. Show up and try to kill us. Everyone knows that eighties slasher villains move slow as fuck, so I think that we could get away."

"True, but you're forgetting that whoever is being pursued by said villain will probably either a), conveniently forget how to run, or b), trip over every single thing in their path," Blair said. "And you're a little clumsy, so I fear that you might be a bit susceptible to the tripping thing."

"I am not clumsy. I am known for my remarkable balance and stability. Fuck you."

She laughed. "During the last two times that we went to abandoned places, you tripped a total of seventeen times."

"Oh my god, you counted? Well, in my defense, on Halloween, the mask I was wearing made it kinda hard to see."

"Sure it did," Blair replied, dragging out the 'sure' a bit.

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