Just Like Goober and the Ghost Chasers

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"Did you re-dye your hair? It looks a lot more vibrant."

It was the first day back at school after winter break and I was sitting in French class with Blair.

We were given a partner activity and Mrs. Moss let us pick who we wanted to work with, so of course, we ended up together. She sat in the row behind me, so I turned my chair around to face her and we finished relatively quickly, meaning that we were just talking.

"Yeah, my roots were starting to show and it was bothering me."

"I can't picture you with brown hair," I commented. "I mean, obviously, only the long part is dyed blue so I can still see brown, but like... you get what I mean!"

Blair smiled. "Yeah, I do. Here," she took her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans, "I'll help you out." She scrolled through her gallery until she located a particular picture and handed the device to me. "This is from sophomore year."

"Oh wow, all of you guys look really different. No, wait, not really, but like... one of those Scooby-Doo clones that Hanna-Barbera used to put out in the early seventies."

Leslie's hair was its natural light ginger color and reached all the way down to her waist. She was wearing her glasses and she didn't have any piercings, which made her face look weirdly naked.

Fallon's hair was the same as hers but slightly longer. They weren't wearing any makeup, which was weird to see because I don't think I had ever seen them go in public without any. And they were wearing cargo shorts, which is one of the last things I'd ever expect them to wear.

Freddy was a bit shorter, his hair was jet black and wasn't shaved off on the sides.

Blair pretty much looked like she did when I first met her, but her hair was dark brown and she was wearing plastic frame glasses. Oh, and, apparently, the photo was taken around the furniture incident because she had a cast on her left middle finger.

Bon-Bon was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed that he had somehow taken the picture.

Blair gave me a weird look as I handed her phone back to her. "Okay, I somehow get what you're trying to say with that, but why was Scooby-Doo clones the first thing you jumped to when attempting to explain yourself?"

"My Dad's been making me watch them with him when he comes home after work. It's truly incredible how they're all uniquely different but also the exact same." I shrugged. "Which reminds me of something that he told me not to forget, which I then proceeded to forget."

"Care to share?"

"Yeah, he wants to meet you."

"Haven't I already met him?" She frowned. "Or was the short man with red hair that greeted Leslie and I with, 'Welcome, friends of my daughter!' not actually your dad, but instead just some random man that likes to refer to you as his daughter?"

I laughed, "No, that was him. But he wants to like, actually meet you."

"Oh, alright. But if I'm going to actually meet your dad then you're gonna meet my parents."

"Deal." We shook hands in an overly aggressive manner. "Your parents kinda scare me, though."

I had only ever seen Mr. and Mrs. Danz once, and it was during homecoming.

"They're really nice, they just have intense faces. I would know, I've been living with them for ten years."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it." And then something occurred to me. "Wait... I thought your parents didn't know that you're bi?"

"They don't, but I want to tell them sometime soon," Blair said. "Hey, how did you tell your dad?"

"By blurting out that I don't even like boys when he asked me if I was texting my boyfriend." Y'know, like an idiot. 

She paused for a moment before asking, "Does your mom know too?"

"Hell no. She'd probably disown me."

Before Blair could respond, the bell went off. Mere seconds after it did, somebody flung their arm around my shoulders and I was momentarily blinded by a camera flash.


Leslie pulled my beanie down over my face before releasing me. "What's up, man?"

"What was that for?" I asked, fixing my hat. "And how the fuck did you get here so fast?"

"MR. BARNES L-LET US OUT OF CLASS A F-FEW MINUTES EARLY," Freddy explained, sitting on a recently vacated table right beside us.

"Yeah, and like, Richie wanted to make sure you were here today so I decided to drop by and get photo evidence of your presence."

I started shoving all of my junk into my backpack. "That picture's gotta be horrible."

Blair took Leslie's phone from her. "No, it's kind of adorable. Very reminiscent of the corn picture."

Leslie took it back. "Dude, you'd probably say that about any picture taken of Baby."

"Yeah, probably."


"You shouldn't have put your finger near my mouth."


"Hey, if you wanted us to hurry the hell up and head to lunch you should've just said something." Leslie opened her bag, pulled out a few Twizzlers, and shoved them into the puppet's mouth so that he couldn't bite any more fingers. "C'mon guys, let's head out before Roger gets any tetchier."


It's been a while since I've updated this. Mostly just because I get distracted incredibly easily and ended up doing other things every time I tried to work on this.

But anyway, question, do you guys prefer the long-ass 2,000+ word chapters or the shorter 600-ish word chapters?

And, before you go, we've got some more cool ass fanart, this time from Sanaiscrasy

And, before you go, we've got some more cool ass fanart, this time from Sanaiscrasy

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