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Halloween rolled around when the thirty-first hit.

You know, like it tends to do sometimes.

I was woken up on this particular Halloween by my brother, who decided to put on his creepy ass clown costume and lean over me while I was still sleeping.

He poked me with his fake knife until I was finally and oh so rudely awakened from my slumber. I looked up, and, upon being greeted with a clown mask inches away from my face, shrieked and fell out of my bed.

"AGH —!"

I groaned after making contact with the floor, attempting to untangle myself from the sheets that I had dragged down with me.

"Eddie, my guy, what the fuck?"

He waited until I put my hearing aids in before replying, "It's Halloween. It's time to celebrate." 

I rolled my eyes at him. "The sun isn't even up yet. So as far as I'm concerned, it isn't time to celebrate anything yet."

With that, I got back into bed, kicking Bidy and Babs off of my pillow.

"C'mon, don't be a fun sponge! Halloween is exciting!"

"You think it's exciting when you pour milk on Rice Krispies and they start making noise."

"Well yeah, because that is exciting. Now get up!"


Eddie groaned loudly and finally left.

I thought that I could finally go back to sleep.

But no, of course not. He came back a few minutes later and started throwing sponges at me.

I ended up having to chase him throughout the house to seek my revenge.

But unfortunately, it really woke me up so I couldn't go back to sleep.

So, in the end, I guess Eddie got what he wanted.

Though, I still didn't get why he wanted to wake me so early. We weren't even going to be doing anything even remotely Halloween related until it started getting dark out.

And mind you, it was so early that it hadn't even gotten the chance to be light yet.

And that meant that the rest of the day was slow and torturous.

But luckily, after many millennia, the time finally came.

I took Blair's threat about wearing a costume seriously, but I also didn't plan much because I'm a major procrastinator. I ended up just putting on a creepy, white, serial killer-looking mask and pulled the hood of my blue jacket over my head.

I guess you could say I looked like a discount Michael Myers.

Ed and I headed out, walking because I didn't have a license and wasn't about to let him drive me.

Some kids were already starting to make their rounds as we made our way over to Fallon and Leslie's. The street they lived on got pretty busy pretty quick. Probably because the houses were a bit bigger and all the smart kids knew that was where you got the good shit.

The house was at the very end of the street. It looked a bit older than all of the others with an extremely faded paint job, worn-looking asphalt shingle roofing, old-fashioned steel frame windows, and a slightly rusty chain-link fence that surrounded it.

I tried the doorbell, but it didn't work so I knocked instead. There was a ton of barking from the other side of the door. Surprisingly, the person who had opened it was Blair. She was holding back a huge gray dog.

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