Egg Salad Sandwich

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T-Frex: "Oh no"

T-Frex: "I'm gonna cry"

"Don't cry."

T-Frex: "Too late"

T-Frex: "I'm crying"

As soon as I got home from work, I went ahead and told T-Frex about how I had ended up coming out to the rest of my close friends.

I did it during lunch, and it went well.

They were all cool with it like Leslie said they would be.

Freddy, Bon-Bon, Fallon, Blair. All of them.

It was great.

Though, the long pause between Leslie telling everyone I had something to say and me actually saying the damn thing was pretty excruciating.

I don't know, man. Their eyes were all on me and the words got caught in my throat again.

T-Frex: "Wait"

T-Frex: "Wait"

"I'm waiting."

T-Frex: "Does that mean I can finally send you that shirt that says 'too gay to function' on it?"

"It most certainly does not."

T-Frex: "Aww c'mon Baby"

T-Frex: "Its a high quality shirt"

T-Frex: "and I have been saving it for you"

T-Frex: "so that someday we could have matching gay shirts"

Dad suddenly appeared in the doorway of my room, egg salad sandwich in hand, and said something to me. 

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Why're you smiling?" he repeated. "Who're you texting over there? Your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, Dad." I must've been feeling bold or some shit because I added on, "I don't even like boys."

Granted, that last part came out a lot quieter, but it was still audible.

"Oh, really?" he asked through a mouthful of sandwich.

"Uh, yeah...I'"

"I wish you had told me that earlier. I've been asking the wrong questions the whole time." He took a moment to actually swallow the food in his mouth. "So, Riley, you texting your girlfriend over there?"

I choked a little. "No, I don't have a girlfriend either."

"Okay, well, when you get one make sure you tell me because I wanna meet her."

With that, he walked away.

It seemed that I could add him to the list of people that were cool with me being really fucking gay.

I looked back down at my phone.

T-Frex: "Baby"

T-Frex: "Please"

T-Frex: "Please"

T-Frex: "Don't ignore me"

T-Frex: "Please"

"Okay, okay, fine."

"We can have matching gay shirts."

T-Frex: "Yay! :)"

T-Frex: "Expect to see that in the mail sometime soon"


T-Frex: "Oh and can I finally start calling you Gayby now?"

"Definitely not."

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