Rollie Pollie

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It was Thursday.

The week had been pretty decent so far. It was easy to fall into the rhythm of things, which managed to be both monotonous and weirdly eventful at the same time.

It was also lunchtime, which was definitely one of the more eventful parts of the day.

We all decided to sit outside since the weather wasn't complete shit. And also because the group I was sitting with was bigger than it usually was.

Leslie was there, of course. She always had the same lunch since we had the same fourth hour. She was sitting at the bottom of the concrete steps that were right outside the entrance, blasting some punk song through her headphones while she attempted to finish homework she hadn't done.

And by "attempting to finish", I really mean that she was just copying Fallon's.

Speaking of which, they were there too, sitting a few steps above their sister and playing some game on their phone, only offering input every once in a while.

Then there was my brother, who was getting food all over his football jersey and jeans and talking about how he was planning to glue a bowl onto his head after school.

The idea sounded...uh...interesting. Just like all of his ideas.

Y'know, the day after he burst into my room with his makeup death device, he tried to drink an entire gallon of curdled milk up on the roof.

He sprayed vomit everywhere, all down the roof and onto the driveway.

I watched him from the curb. It was nasty.

I loved my brother to death, but he wasn't exactly the brightest.

But then again, I guess I wasn't either since I almost always ended up participating or watching whatever dumb thing he was doing.

Anyway, I guess I'll move on from that nightmare of a story and get back on topic.

Uhh...let's see, Freddy was also there. He was sitting next to Leslie and playing with a rollie pollie that he had found and ignoring Bon-Bon, who was complaining about something. 

And then there was Blair...she was also there. She was sitting across from me at the top of the stairs and talking to me. She had on glasses since I guess she couldn't find her contacts. 

Earlier in the day when I had French, I completely malfunctioned like an idiot at the sight of her. After I managed to regain my ability to string more than two words together at a time, I blurted out, "They look cute on you!" and I honestly don't think there was anything I could've done to stop myself.

She seemed to like the compliment though, so I didn't have to go die in a hole afterward.

", are we good to go?"

"Yeah, my dad doesn't really give a shit and Leslie agreed earlier."

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Fitzgerald assigned a project earlier in the week, and I guess we all just agreed to do it at my house because... Well, I don't know actually. 

The bell beeped, signaling the end of lunch.

"Fucking nipple fuck! I only have two questions left!" Leslie groaned from the bottom of the stairs.

Blair and I stifled our laughs. 

"I suppose I'll see you sixth hour."

"Yeah, see you later." 

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