Kat: The Gifted

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Author: @Blackwood004
Title: The Gifted
Genre: Fantasy


Cover: 5/5

Its so simple and elegant! I love the haze on it as well as the placement of the title!

Blurb: 5/5

Very descriptive and captivating!

Title: 5/5

You title is so simple when you look at it but when you read the book it stands for a totally different meaning then what you first thought!

Plot: 10/10

I thought your plot was amazing! I have read other plots similar to this one but this one is by far the best! The readers can get to caught up in the story and travel to a different world (your world!). Honestly, best book ever!

Character Development: 9/10

I love the relationships you've created for your characters! The Captain and Evelyn's friendship, how even after he betrayed her he saved her. Flint and Evelyn, how they learn to trust each other. I love the characters you've created!

Spelling and Grammar: 8/10

Even though you had some minor spelling and grammar issues you still have an excellent book. When writing the dialogue of a character make sure you capitalize the first word and don't forget to punctuate.

Overall: 10/10

I absolutely love your story! Your on the road to success and greatness! I hope you keep writing! I will for sure keep reading your book and other works you will create!❤

Other Comments:

Honestly, I NEVER go for fantasy books but yours is by far my favorite book right now! Everything about your book drew me in and I didn't want to put your book down! You truly have a gift! If you write any other books count on me to read them!❤❤

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