Kira: To Believe in Love

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Reviewed by Key Keeper Kira Kenerelda

Author: DarkRoyallty
Title: To Believe in Love

Cover: 4/5

Cover is really good. At first glance it gives a sci fi vibe with the barcode like thing on the face but then another wave of feeling that is certainly not very pleasant for a science fiction nerd is the dramatic love part but.... A twist. It's science fiction.

Blurb: 4/5

This is the part where the disappointing feeling starts to kick in but only for a reader who loves science fiction, hates clichés and avoids it like sea cucumber. The blurb doesn't really says it's science fiction. It actually misguides people to think it's a romance or chicklit or teen fiction something among that genre type of book (I had to go back in the comment section just to check what genre it was again, that's how misguiding the blurb was). It's disappointing to see the focus more on the other part than the science fiction part. But you definitely did a good job in writing the blurb with words suitable but just not for when you say it's science fiction. If read in romance or other Sub-Genre of romance, it's a good good blurb though cliché. 

Title: 2/5

I don't know what part of it is science fiction anymore. The title is so cheesy, I just cringed at first glance but with a smile, lol. Ok back to review, so the title does suits it but even this is misguiding in the sense you say it's science fiction but it doesn't really gives that vibe except for the cover. But it very suitable and a perfect match with the content in the book. 

Plot: 6/10

The plot is great going and very much cliché which makes it very predictable that doesn't really arouse curiosity and limits the page turning and hence tends to be left unfinished. You could try putting in some cliffhangers to fix the lack of interest. Lack of interest is because it's blurb is too cliché and many many books have the same kind of blurb which makes it pretty hard to trust the writer that yeah, the content inside will entertaining. 

Character development: 7/15

It lacks a lot. The characters lack a lot of things. If you'll be editing the content then make sure to describe some feelings of the said characters, their facial expressions that may/may not lead to more insight on the character's persona. It depends on the reader. The other side too kind of seemed off, I'm not able to put my finger on it but they seemed a little off. A tiny very very tiny lack of something. 

Spelling and grammar: 5/10

Spellings pretty much. Work on the grammar. The tenses and the other bits. There are a few grammatical mistakes which are disturbing the flow of reading that you might want to correct if you'll be proofreading your work. 

Overall: 7/10

Overall it's a good book with a lot of clichés, and a main character which you did a good job at making her seem a little irritating. I don't really have much to say. 

Other comments: Sorry for the inadequate review as the book kind of disappointed me when the genre you said was science fiction but the blurb and initial chapters headed to a completely different direction. It hurts when all the hype and excitement just disappears. But your book is definitely good excluding the grammar and a few errors. Apologies for the inadequacy. 

That's all.

Have an amazing day! 


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