Chapter Thirteen

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***Warning adult content. Not recommended for young readers. Another note, if you don't like it don't read it. Just move along. For the rest of you, enjoy the rebooted version of this chapter***

My eyes flutter open and I'm disoriented for a moment because I forget where I am. It takes me a second to remember that I'm in Harry's bedroom. I feel around the bed only to realize that it's empty. I sit up and my eyes search the room, finding him staring out the window at the setting sun. He's stunning, quietly enjoying the picturesque view from his bedroom window. The remainder of the natural light halos his figure, accentuating the curves of the muscles on his shoulders and arms. You can clearly see the spiral of every curl atop his head as well.  


He slowly turns from the window and grins when he sees my face.

"Angel, you're awake. How was your nap?"

I stretch my arms above my head and rub my eyes to focus my vision.

"It was very restful, thank you. But you should've woken me up, I'm a terrible house guest. I come over and cry like a baby then fall asleep on your bed. Which is really comfortable by the way."

He giggles as he takes a few long strides from the window to sit by my side.

"You were tired, and besides, I got a quick nap in too. I think we both needed to recharge." He smiles thoughtfully and kisses my forehead.

"I can't believe this view from your bed. This is unreal, especially when the sun is setting like this. Those colors are spectacular, you're lucky you get to see this every day. I would kill to have a view like this. It's a work of art."

"Kinda like you."

He squeezes my hand; one, two, three.

I smile bashfully and stare down at my feet. I'm not the best at accepting compliments, and Harry immediately notices, because my body language is telling a story that I have no way of verbally articulating.

"Hey, where did you go there?"

"Nowhere, I... it's just that I don't know. I guess I don't see a masterpiece when I look in the mirror."

"Willow, you're so much more than a treasured painting in a museum. Everything about you is beautiful. And you don't have to hide anything from me. That includes your insecurities, you're not the only one who isn't completely sure of themselves. On more than one occasion you've tried running from me because you think your life will complicate mine. I have those same feelings; I'm scared of flipping your world upside down just the same way you're scared of flipping mine." He pauses thoughtfully. "But maybe that's what we need, maybe we both need a change."

"Let's just be honest Harry, any woman would be lucky to have you. I'm just me, I'm not a celebrity or anyone special."

"Not anyone special? Willow, that breaks my heart to hear you say that, you're more than special." He pulls me into his lap, comforting me by stroking my back. "Any man would be lucky to have you. And you're better than any celebrity, because you're you. You're amazing; beautiful, smart, compassionate, patient,'re everything that I could possibly hope for in a girlfriend."


"Yes, really."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Absolutely, you can ask me anything."

"You said something about you having insecurities too. Well, you seem so confident all the time. What is it that you're not confident about?"

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