chapter 7

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It's been a couple days and I'm  just tired. But not like... sleep tired. It's more like a 'I don't want to do anything, I'm done with everything.'

I was sitting on the sofa. I still haven't told anyone about my dream. Rye's pissed off at me because of that.

I rub my face and sigh.

It's really weird to be ignored by Rye. He's my best friend. He'll only talk to me if he really need to. He's being rather childish, if you ask me. So what I didn't tell him about my dream, what's the big deal? It was a dream. Although it has scared me, they don't know that. They think i'm okay.

Rye suddenly walked into the room. I continued to stare at the floor.

Rye came and sat next to me.

"Why won't you talk to me?" I asked. He ignored me.

"Stop being childish Rye and talk to me." I looked up at him.

"Why should I talk to you?" He replied.

"Because we're friends. We can't sort this out if you're going to avoid me." I stated.

"What is there to sort out?" He asked, looking at me.

"You're joking." He shook his head.

"Oh my- Rye you're completely ignoring me just because I wouldn't tell you about a stupid dream!" I raised my voice.

"It's not because of that, it's because you promised you'd tell me. And you didn't." He replied calmly.

"Rye it was a dream. It doesn't even natter to me anymore!" I lied. Rye looked up at me.

"Don't lie to me." He replied with a small glare.

"W-what? what makes you think I'm lying to you?" I asked, folding my arms.

"When you lie, you always rub your nose three times."

I stood there in shock. I do?

"Do I?" Rye nodded.

"How did you know that?" I asked, looking at him. He shrugged.

"I just know you that well, i guess."

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