Chapter 25

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Rye and I were cuddling in bed. There was no talking, we just sat silently. And it was nice. It was peaceful.

I felt I was finally ready to tell Rye about my dream. It was terrifying and it makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

I don't want to ever lose him.

I was lying on Rye's chest and he was mindlessly running his fingers through my hair, a small gesture which made me feel loved. It's all about the little things, for me.
I was fatigued. We had a long day.

We went to the nearest park and played football almost all day, which tired me out seeing as I was up early.

Usually I'm the last one to fall asleep and the last one to wake up. But today I woke up at four and I just couldn't get back to sleep. I don't know why, I just couldn't.

So after all the running around today, I was ready to fall asleep in Rye's arms. My eyes were drooping and I was debating whether to tell Rye about my dream now, or tell him when I wake up.

I could feel Rye's chest moving up and down as he breathed. His breathing was even and quiet. It was the only sound I could hear. Well, apart from Brook screaming at Fornite in the next room.

But honestly being with Rye seemed to put the whole world on pause. Everything disappears when I'm around him. Like we're in our own little universe. Just him and I. No one else.

And it made me feel loved. He made me feel loved. Everything that he did I loved. All the things that a lot of people wouldn't notice,  the things he doesn't notice.

I wonder if he's the same? If he notices things about me that I don't even know about myself. Like how I rub my nose when I lie. I wonder if he knows more?

We continued in silence for a while longer and I decided that it was now or never. Although I didn't really have the effort to move. My boyfriend was too comfy.

"Rye?" I mumbled and I heard him hum in response. "Can we talk for a moment?" I asked.

"Of course. What's up babe?" He asked, and I sat up, looking at his beautiful face.

"I'm ready to tell you." I breathed heavily and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Tell me what?"

"About my dream."

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