chapter 15

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"Wait, what?" Brook did a double take. I don't think he was expecting that. Neither was Jack. I sighed.

"You heard me Brook.. but I'm scared." I squeaked, pulling my knees up to my chest. Mikey put an arm around my shoulder.

"What are you scared of?" Jack asked softly. I looked up at him.

"Everything. I'm scared that it could tear this band apart. I'm scared because I've never fallen for a boy before. I've never fallen in love before. I'm scared of rejection." I listed. The boys stayed quiet.

"Andy, you can't tear this band apart, okay? we support you no matter what." Brook stated.

"We understand that's it's scary because you've never fallen in love before, let alone with a boy. And that's okay. We'll be here with you every step of the way. Honestly, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's okay to love the same gender." Jack said

"And Rye would be an absolute egg if he rejects you. Because you are an incredible, talented, beautiful person and if Rye can't see that then he's missing out big time." Mikey finished. I smiled.

"You guys are the best." I announced, leaning into Mikey's side. Jack came and sat next to me and I gave him a big hug too. Then Brook jumped on top of me and gave me a massive hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

"How do you tell someone you're in love with them?" I asked, once brook had finally moved off me.

"Just come clean. Just say 'i love you.'" Mikey said it like it was a piece of cake. I shrugged.

"But won't he think that's like, too soon? He's still only my best friend." I sighed. This time it was Jack who put an arm around my shoulder.

"Well have you got a better idea?" Mikey asked, raising an eyebrow and I shrugged.

"Maybe don't tell him straight away; just say 'I really like you, will you be my boyfriend?' or something like that." Jack suggested and I thought about it.

"Yeah... yeah that sounds good." I said. That could work. Jack grinned.

"I'm just worried because, what of he hates me? I think he likes Carrie." I sighed again.

"Stop thinking so negatively!" Brook groaned and I let out a small laugh.

"I'm so glad you guys are my best friends." I beamed and they all piled on top of me in a big hug, making me burst out laughing.
Rye's PoV

My mind is really confused. I really like Carrie... but I also think I like Andy. And I'm not sure what to do.

I was making my way home in the dark. I had been with Carrie almost all day. It was getting cold so I was happy when I finally reached home. I yanked open the door and walked inside. As soon as I closed the door Andy ran up to me and hugged me. I was confused but I hugged him back.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?"

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