chapter 20

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Rye and I were watching a movie when there was a knock on the door. Rye moved to go an answer it and I pouted. I missed his warmth already.

It was Carrie. I could hear them whispering in the hallway but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Andy, can I talk to you for a sec?" Rye asked as he and Carrie walked into the living room.

"Uh yeah of course. Hey Carrie." I smiled as I stood up. Carrie returned the gesture.
"Hi Andy." She grinned, taking a seat. I followed Rye into his room.

"What's up babe?" I asked. Rye looked at me.

"Carrie doesn't know we're a thing... can we, like, not tell her right now?" He asked, fiddling with his sleeve. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I asked, confused. Rye sighed.

"I just don't... want her to know yet." He said, avoiding eye contact. His eyes darted around the room. I frowned. Why doesn't he want Carrie to know? He was perfectly fine holding my hand in the street the other day. But I didn't ask any questions.

"Okay, yeah, sure." I sighed and Rye beamed.

"Thank you!" He squealed, wrapping his arms around me. I blushed.

"Come on you big oaf, we have a guest." I giggled and Rye gave a dorky smile. We walked out of the room and back to the living room.
Turns out Rye and Carrie had plans to hang out today and Rye completely forgot about them. What an absolute egg. I talked to Carrie while Rye was getting ready.

"How long have you lived in England for?" I asked, curious. Carrie shrugged.

"About six months now." She replied. Carrie was genuinely a lovely person. I was just scared that she'd take Rye from me, but it's all good now. Rye is mine.

"Okay, lets go!" Rye beamed, darting into the living room. Carrie stood up.

"It was good seeing you again Andy. I'm sure i'll see you soon." She giggled and I nodded.

"We'll see you later Andy." Rye stated and with that they two made their way out the house.

"Have fun!" I called after the duo. It felt weird to her Rye call me 'Andy'. He usually calls me 'babe' now. Or 'princess', which I'm still not happy about. I bet it makes you all happy though.
(did i just make Andy break fourth wall?
do I regret it?

I made myself a cup of coffee and sat back on the sofa just as the other three boy walked into the room.

"Heyyyy Anderson." Brook greeted, sliding down next to me.

"Don't call me that." I chuckled and Brook pouted.

"Aw why not?"

"Because, that's not my name." And with that, Brook started singing 'That's not my name' really loudly.

"That's not my name. They call me Andy." He sang, only knowing those two lyrics.

"To be fair, that's not your name either, it's actually Andrew." Mikey butted in

"You stay out of this Michael!" I pointed my finger at him with a small glare. Mikey raised his hands in defence and I couldn't help but smile. I'm happy these crazy lads are my best friends.

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