No Intentions

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"I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things." Fury said to Barton.

"Well I see better from a distance." Barton said.

"Well have you seen anything that might set this thing off?" You questioned.

"Doctor it's spiking again," an Assistant called.

Barton began to speak again. "No one's come or gone. And Selvig's clean. No contacts, no IMs. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."

"At this end?" Fury asked.

"Yes sir," you said as they both looked to you.
"the Cube is a doorway to the other end of space," you said.

"Doors open both ways." Barton finished.

The cube raddled loudly and began to spark. You all stepped back away some. The Cube grew louder, Clint drew his bow and you grabbed a dagger.

You preferred the up close and intimate methods of combat, and always had at least six daggers around your suit/waist at all times.

The cube began to spark more and glowing bright and everyone braced theirselves. The entire building raddled and you steadied yourself. "Seems someone isn't fond of knocking." You said and Clint laughed some.

The cube burst a blue ray across the platform, bright blue with a noise you couldn't explain, Slowly a wormhole began to form, growing larger by the second. The place shook from the Tesseract and you all prepared for the worst.

The wormhole grew to maximum size before it closed, sending a blue blast through the room like a gush of wind and you all stumbled. Blue waves went to the ceiling, it's clear we weren't prepared for any visitors.

There was a horrible sizzling noise as armed men moved towards the platform. It was a man.

You saw the man kill the agents.

The sight flashed through your eyes.

"Sir put down the scepter!" You commanded and he stood looking to his scepter then back to you.

He's going to shoot.

You immediately stepped over pushing Fury out of the way as he indeed did shoot, a large blue ray of light damaging the priceless equipment.

You stood still, straight up holding now two daggers waiting. "Get down!" An agent called but you didn't. He killed two more men as they shot at him, grabbing one by the shirt and sending him flying across the room.


He shot again at the equipment and scientists around it.


"Oh my god," you said quietly. He's going to shoot you

"Shit shit shit," you mumbled as he turned to you, not moving quiet fast enough, avoiding the blast but being slid across the floor by the force dropping your weapons.

Barton is comprised.

You looked up to see exactly what you had envisioned. The mans scepter has a blue stone towards the end, Engraved into it. Mind gem.

You winced trying to get up having landed on sever splinters and broken pieces of equipment and got to your knees.

He's going to grab you.

You looked up just as he reached for your neck from behind, grabbing a dagger and turning, you slashied straight across his hand. He winced and pulled his hand back before blue blood rushes down the scepter where he held it.

High swing.

You ducked as once again you were right and got a good jab at his chest, the armor preventing damage unfortunately.

You aren't going to win.

You growled trying to prove yourself wrong once more.

If you continue he's going to kill you.

You stopped and he looked at you surprised. You stood still contemplating your chances, and decided that you couldn't in fact beat him.

"I didn't expect you to be coming easily?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows, even he being shocked at your actions. You slowly dropped the dagger, and raised your hands slightly to him.

"I have no intentions to die today." You breathed out.

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