May is mental health awareness month

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"Ok class, this weeks assignment is to pick a mental disorder that you don't hear much about and make a presentation for the class. This month is mental health awareness month and I look forward to seeing what you can find."

After a long week of research, silent classes and hours of typing, it was time to present. Many people had chosen very common disorders that either go unnoticed or are misidentified. The number of misconceptions about mental illness was almost enough to make Marinette sick.

The facts are this:
Depression isn't just in your head and it isn't the person's fault. It's an imbalance of chemicals in their brain or an effect of brain function, it can even be a cause of the environment you're in. Depression can give you physical pain, it effects your sleep schedule, it can make you feel hopeless or useless, it can destroy your self esteem, but it doesn't effect everyone the same.

Anxiety is most common in teens and children and most of them don't tell anyone. They suppress it until it becomes too much and they break. Without property treatment, anxiety can lead to depression and medication can work but CBT tends to be better. Anxiety only becomes worse if you ignore or ovoid the cause

There are some many that are just not done justice in today's media.

Marinette's report was over O.C.D. or obsessive compulsive disorder. There are far more types of OCD than most people actually know about. There are forms of OCD that make people feel they have to things a number of times before moving on, or they have to do something with both left and right. It's not just having to have things neat or in a certain order.

There may have not been much as to interacting with Adrien, but Marinette was still happy with the day.

Uh, hi dears... sorry I've taken so long. School it out and if you want to follow me on Instagram I have the same username Violin71503 uhhhhhhhh also if you follow Nashi-Dragneel1 , that's who I'm dating, sooooooooo...

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