The Interview| 1

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"Yes mom, im pulling into the parking lot." I said to my mother. "Okay, do a good job in there." She said.

"Thanks, i love you bye!"

After hanging up my phone I grabbed my bag and got out of my car. Today I had an interview for a PA position at Romano enterprises. My brother thinks I'm wasting my talent by being a PA instead of taking the job I was offered as soon as I graduated. I wasn't ready for that yet. But just because I wasn't ready for that didn't mean I could go jobless until I am.

At least this company was in the tech and engineering industry so I'd be working with something I'm familiar with.

After speaking with the receptionist, I was escorted to the 50th floor. There were about a dozen other women up here in the waiting area. I hardly saw them as competition considering how they were dressed. A few of them looked like they were interviewing for an escort position and not that of a personal assistant. Their skirts were so small and the shirts were so tight it would rip if they made any sudden movement.

I just scratched my head a little and turned my attention to my phone. None of my business. By the time I was done there was only one more girl besides me waiting to be called. The others left, some in tears, others with blatant disappointment written all over there face.

Their expressions had me a little shook and confused. They were leaving as if they were just yelled at by Simon cowell or that chef that's always criticizing people. What's his name? Ramsey something?

Soon enough the girl came out and the receptionist called me to come back.

"Okay when you go in, try to make eye contact and do your best. I'm rooting for you to get the job." She whispered and pushed the door open to the office. I nodded and silently thanked her before walking in. It gave me a small piece of comfort knowing that if I did get the job the other employees would be kind.

The office I stepped into was huge with floor to ceiling windows on one side. The desk was in the middle and chairs were placed in front of them. There was a black leather couch and a coffee table on one side of the room and a book shelf on another.

The guy I am supposed to be interviewed by was standing in front of the windows with his hands in his pockets. I awkwardly cleared my throat and he turned around. I was in awe but I wouldn't let that show. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was a brunette, sporting a nice bit of facial hair and his eyes reminded me of a Caribbean ocean. They were a blue green color, and he had small specks of brown swimming in them as well.

He walked towards me and held his hand out. I immediately shook it with a small smile. "Please, take a seat." He said.

I nodded and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He went and sat on the other side of his desk.

"What is your name." He asked. His voice was deep and smooth, but most importantly he had a British accent. Unfortunately his tone was empty and bored. I silently prayed that his attitude wouldn't reflect that because I wouldn't want to work with that...if I get the job that is.

"Nyla Carter." I responded. I watched as he went through his desk drawer before pulling out a file, which I'm assuming is my application, and skimmed through it.

"Why do you want this job?"

"I want it not only because I need it but because it is a good opportunity and it's a good way to keep myself working until I'm ready to work more in my field of study. In addition, I want to experience working on my own and not living off my parents' money." I responded while crossing my legs.

"Well isn't that admirable." He said leaned forward and raising his eyebrow. I nodded slowly, I guess it is.

"What qualifies you for this though?" Came his next question.

"I'm available at any time, I can keep your schedule organized, and whatever you need I can tend to it. I graduated college with a degree in business and mechanical engineering so I have experience with consulting and the general business in which you work. Also, I speak five languages fluently and I understand two more which could be very beneficial with international business partners." I responded.

"What languages do you speak?" He asked. "English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic, and Hebrew. I know enough German to understand it perfectly but not to speak it fluently, and that goes for Italian as well." I responded.

"How did you learn these languages?" He asked with an impressed facial expression. "Uh, I went to a dual language elementary and middle school and lived in Puerto Rico for about 3 years which is how I can speak Spanish. I learned Arabic, Amharic, and Hebrew from my parents. I picked up German and Italian from living in Italy and Germany for a year each." I explained.

"What was the first thing I said to you when you walked in?" He asked. I held back the urge to make a strange face since the question had nothing to do with what I just said.

"You told me to take a seat." I said. He nodded his head and looked back at my file. "It says here that you're still in school. "

"I filled out the application when I was still in school but even then I wasn't technically in school I was just completing an internship...but all of that won't be a confounding factor when it comes to doing my job efficiently." I said.

"Would you be able to travel?" He asked.

"Yes." I responded. He just nodded and sat back in his chair. His tone wasn't as empty as it was before and I was thankful for that. Maybe he was considering hiring me.

"Tell me more about yourself."

"I'm 23 years old. When I first entered college I was studying psychology but by the second week I decided to double major in business and mechanical engineering and I minored in computer science. Growing up I was always trying to help people and apply myself wherever I could which is why this job would be good for me."

He titled his head to the right a bit with a ghost of a smile displayed on his lips. "Can you tell me more about you?" I didn't necessarily intend to ask it kind of just slipped out. He looked a little surprised before a smirk settles into his face. "You didn't google me prior to your arrival?"

"Oh I did, but Wikipedia is no trustworthy sight." I replied with a smirk of my own.

"I am Sebastian Romano. I am CEO of Romano Enterprises. I have 4 siblings. Italian born but I grew up in London. My business is my passion." He said and his face was plain of emotion, just blank. We then talked more about my qualifications, what it is they do here at this company and how everything is generally run.

"Okay, that concludes the interview, ill have the receptionist get back to you." He said. I stood and shook hands with him before following him to the door.

I was on my way to the door when my phone dropped. I sighed and bent down to pick it up. I stood up straight and fixed my skirt. When I looked at Mr. Romano, he was gripping the door handle so hard I thought he would snap it off. I walked the rest of the way to the door and stopped next to him.

"Have a good day, Mr. Romano." I said and proceeded to walk out. Before I could actually get all the way out he grabbed my forearm. I turned around and looked up at him. He has to be at least 6'1, and because I'm 5'5 I had to crane my neck just to look him in the eye and speak to him.

"Ms. Carter, when can you start?" He asked. Does this mean I got the job?

"I can start whenever you're ready for me." I responding regaining my composure.

"Tomorrow, 8am don't be late." With that he turned and shut his office door. Welp, now I have an excuse for the shopping spree I'm about to go on.

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