✄7✄ Working Out Life

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My dad turned his head back and began to walk away. I walked over to the other and closed it.

There was no way I was taking any pills.

I looked down at the bottle and shook it a bit. The pills rattled around and I could tell there were a few in it.

I chucked the pill bottle on my bed.

There was no way in hell I'd be taking these.

I didn't know who my therapist was. I didn't remember them to be exact. Its not like I'd ever take any pill they give me but, for some reason my dad seemed to be pushy about the pills.

I walked over to my window and peaked outside. Tomorrow would be another day of school.

Oh how I dreaded that place.

I hopped off my window and to my door. I peaked outside my room to make sure no one was around and I walked down the stairs.

I snuck over to the living room and noticed my mom and dad inside sitting on the couch.

My dad was on the phone well my mother was watching the tv.

"You really think that will help her?" My dad had a shocked expression.

They were talking about me.

"But where? Do you think she should even decided that?" I walked into the living room and once I did they both looked up at me.

"Alright thanks I'll do that." He hung up the phone and placed it down on the table.

I looked up at my dad showing no emotion what so ever and a huge smile creeped across his face.

"Aphmau how would you like to get a job!"

"What?" I asked my eye balls popping out of their sockets.

"Who gave you that bright idea?" I began to laugh and I used the couch to hold myself up.

"The therapist."

I began laughing even more and I fell down to the floor.

"You trust me enough to get a job? Ill be fired the moment I walk in the door!"

"Hes wants you to work at a mental asylum!" My dad yelled out.

"WHAT!?" I screamed in shock.

I began laughing even more and my eyes were filling with tears.

"That therapist is fucking crazy!" I shouted.

I got up off the ground and began laughing even harder.

"You think I can work at a metal asylum without freeing everyone inside?" I wiped the tears off my face and they both looked at each other.

"If he says you should do it you should try..." My mother pleaded.

"Fine." I replied.

"Let a crazy person to work at a mental asylum good fucking idea!" I turned away from my parents and headed back upstairs.

I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I wouldn't trust myself with a stick let alone a job at a metal place with crazy people.

What the hell is he thinking.

Well who the hell cares I'm going to let them free. I'm going to teach them how to get out. Either that or ill just burn the whole place down.

I giggled too myself and pulled my covers over me.

May as well get some shut eye its not like I'll have much tomorrow anyways.

I rested my head agaisnt my pillow and in no time I was out like a light.


I woke up to the sun shinning in my room.

I lazily got out of my bed and walked to my closet. I changed into a new pair of clothes and put my hair up.

The smell of bacon hit my nose and I swiftly made my way downstairs. My mother and father were both in the kitchen. My dad sat down at the table on his phone well my mother cooked.

I sat down at the table and the food was served. I tried my best to eat it fast and after it was gone I grabbed my stuff without saying a word to my parents.

I picked my bag off the floor and headed out the door slamming it shut behind me.

Although I made no effort to talk with them its not like they tried to talk with me either.

I walked down the side walk. I could see other highschool kids walking as well.

Once I made it too the school I shoved my stuff in my locker and walked around the halls.

I didn't have friends anymore. It's not like I needed them anyways. Everytime I made a friend they'd betray me and leave me. I had more enimes than friends though.

Keep your friends close but your enimes closer.

Maybe I should have listened to that but I see it this way. I'm also someones enemy and by me being truthful then its really their lose. 

Most of the times I lost my friends not because of who I was but because of her.


The one girl everyone thought was sweet and kind. But she was the biggest bitch of them all.

She never sided with anyone and always sat on the fench. She was the teachers pet at that. She only hung around me for Katelyn and when she finally got her it was over. I'd lost the one person I actually gave a damn about.

She disappeared right before my eyes.

I walked towards the exit of the school and left.

If I already had a job at a mental asylum why bother with school. I could always live in my parents basement.

I walked out of the backdoors and began to walk towards the sidewalk.

After about 5 minites of walking I made it to one of my favourite areas.

I laid down agaisnt a tree and sighed.

"Shouldn't you be in school."

I immediately opened my eyes expecting to see my parents but I froze.

In front of me stood a man I'd never seen before.

He had black hair that hung down his face with black eyes. He had a red hoodie over himself and I felt my face begin to burn up.

He was kinda cute but also familiar.

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