✄25✄ What The Actual Fuck

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By accidentally posted it whoops anyways here it is. Sorry its a little shorter than usual.


I gagged walking into the room and put a hand over my eyes.


I took in a deep breath and opened my eyes back up. I looked around me in disgust at the sight of Derek's room. He was just as fucked up in the head as Melissa.

All over the walls were pictures of Melissa. Hearts all over them and Xs on family photos. One photo, in particular, caught my eye. It was a family photo beside his bed.

I crept over to his bed and stared down at the picture. Picking up the picture off the nightstand I stared at it.

There in the picture was Aaron, Derek, Melissa, and another woman that I didn't recognize.

Both Aaron and that woman had red Xs on there face. But the women was much different. Although she had the same red X as Aaron it was darker and It didn't seem to be marker like the rest.

A shiver went down my spine and I dropped the photo on the ground.

My heart was racing and I looked around the room.

That felt like blood.

I searched around the room once again. The more I looked the more messed up everything was. His closet door was open and inside of the closet, you could see girl clothes but not just any clothes. Melissa's clothes.

I knew for a fact that they were hers since she had worn them before.

I walked over to the closet quietly and stopped in front of it. I took a deep breath in and reached my hand out. Grabbing onto the door handle I slowly pulled the door open. As I pulled it open I heard something fall inside causing me to stop.

I wasn't sure whether I wanted to push it open any further. Backing away from the closet I turned away.

But then again.

I quickly turned around out of curiosity and threw the door open. I gasped as the door open and a corpse fell from the closet.

I raised an eyebrow and bending down I stared at the body. It looked like it hadn't been in here for too long but it sure smelt awful. I gagged at the smell and touching the body I flipped it over to get a better look.

As I stared down the body I noticed it looked familiar. It looked just like the woman in the picture.

Her eyes were still open but there was a huge wound in her chest. Dried up blood covered her body. I touched her hair it was dried up and cold. I rolled my eyes and got up off the ground.

Personally, I didn't like bodies well I did just not old corpses. I mean the blood all dried up and the hairs all frizzy.

I liked it when it was fresh. I'd prefer if the blood wasn't gone thank you.

Pushing away my thoughts I walked around the room a bit more. My stomach still turned at the thought of Derek liking his own daughter. Whoever that woman was she was either an older daughter or their mother. I shivered at the thought and wandered out of the room.

I decided it was time to check back on Aaron as I left him alone for a while now. Walking down the hallway I stopped in front of the room. I smiled to myself seeing a big lump over the covers.

I walked over to the bed and slowly peeked under the covers.

My heart stopped.

My whole body began to shake and I threw the covers up. They landed on the floor and I gasped.

Aaron was gone.

There was a bunch of clothes under the bed. Someone was trying to trick me. Someone must have taken him.

"MELISSA!" I screamed out in anger.

I bolted out of the room and down the stairs I looked around everywhere. Running up to the front door I swung it open and froze.

There he stood. Right in front of the front door staring off into the distance. My mind was blank as I stared at him completely focused on him and only him.

I slowly moved a few steps forward and coming up behind him I wrapped my arms around his.


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