✄21✄ Living New

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I just stared at the guy as he stood up.

"Derek told me to bring you to his house where his daughter Melissa will help you."

The guy grabbed onto my cuffed hands and walked towards the door. I stuck my tongue out at the guy as I was dragged away and I could hear him yelling.

I giggled at that and we left the police station. I was thrown into the back seat of a car and he began to drive away.

I sighed staring down at the handcuffs still on my hands and reached into my pocket. I took out a knife from my pocket and leaned forwards.

Putting it at the guy's throat he nervously looked over at me.

"N-now now..." He said as his voice cracked.

I rolled my eyes at that and he slowly pulled over to the side.

"What do y-you want?" He asked as I brought the knife closer to his neck.

"Gimme the keys to the handcuffs.." I mumbled into his ear.

He hesitantly put his hands in his pocket and slowly brought out a key. I stared at the key and he slowly gave it back to me.

I brought the knife away from his neck and he quickly grabbed his gun pointing it at me.

I pressed the knife against my neck and his eyes widened in shock.

"You wouldn't dare.." He growled still pointing his gun at me.

"Test me." I pressed the knife more against my neck and began to move it back and forth as it pierced my skin.

"Fine!" He shouted out.

He dropped his gun down onto the cars ground and I kicked it to the side. I took the knife away from my neck and stared at it for a bit.

Blood dripped from the knife and I placed it down on my lap. I took the keys and began to undo my cuffs. Once they were done they dropped down on the ground and I used my shirt to wipe off the blood.

Sticking the knife back in my pocket I leaned back over to the guy. He stared at me with a straight face but still nervous.

"Let's get moving," I mumbled quietly into his ear.

"Where...?" He asked as he began to start the car up again.

"Derek's house of course," I said giving him a crazy smile.

He raised his eyebrow then rolled his eyes as he began to drive back down the road.


It had been about an hour car ride and eventually, we were in the country. We drove up to a medium sized house with a lot of land.

The place was very far from civilization. In the backyard was a lake and I watched as a few dogs ran around outside.

We pulled up in front of the house and I opened up the car door.

The house door shot open and a girl with brown hair in her PJs stood looking in my direction.

I recognized the girl. She had been the one who took me away when they found out Aaron was playing games.

She stared at me in confusion and I shrugged my shoulders.

"What happened to your handcuffs?" She asked staring at my hands.

I shrugged my shoulders again and the guy who drove me here began to drive off.

"Hey wait a second!!" Melissa yelled as the car began to back away.

The put down the car window and continued driving.

"Good fucking luck!" And with those final words, they drove off.

Melissa stopped running and put her hands on her knees. Breathing heavily she dropped down to the ground.

"Seriously..." She mumbled too herself.

I approached the girl on the ground and she looked up at me. Giving me a big smile she got up off the ground.

"Hi Aphmau come on I'll show you to your room." She grabbed onto my hand and walked towards the house.

My heart was racing out of nervousness and we entered the house.

It looked like any other normal house but it didn't matter.

Derek was one fucked up guy. He was almost as fucked up as me so I wouldn't be surprised if he brought me here to kill me.

Just like he did to Aaron.

I stopped in my spot and Melissa let go of my hand. My heart pounded something felt strange.

"Aphmau?" I heard Melissa call out.

I looked over at her and nodded my head to the side.


She gave me a small smile and grabbed onto my hand.

"Don't worry about it."

We walked up the stairs and she led me down a hall. She opened up a door and showed me inside.

"This will be your room. You're in between both me and my dad's room. Don't go in any room upstairs but your own my dads very strict about it.  I'm not sure why that's just the way it is..." Melissa said sighing.

I nodded my head and walked over to the bed. I placed my hand on the bed and smoothing it out I sat down.

"Also if you need anything feel free to ask me. Also, my dad, has another rule knock before entering a room!"

I nodded my head and she turned for to the door.

"I've got to do a bit of homework so I'll be downstairs if you need anything cya!"

Aarmau AU ⌑❐Sessions❐⌑Where stories live. Discover now