✄24✄ Why won't he wake?

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It had been several days since Melissa and Derek disappeared. I scouted out the house to check for them every day but there was still no sign of them. It was like they disappeared even the news had no idea where they were.

The police didn't know where they lived so I'd be safe here for a while. Although they knew they were missing no one had bothered to check their house.

But I guess that was a good thing for me. I didn't need to get caught by them and I'm sure Aaron felt the same. Well, that's if he was awake.

Aaron still hadn't wakened up yet and although I really wanted to take him to the hospital I couldn't.

Who knew what Melissa did to him to keep him asleep for so long. I still didn't understand how he was alive though how was it even possible. It didn't make any sense at all.

I laid on the couch as the news played on the tv. The only thing they had been talking about was the disappearance of Melissa and Derek. This wasn't a completely small town we just didn't have much to talk about on the news. So whenever they found a good story they talked about it a lot to fill the gap.

Them talking about it only made people more nervous or perhaps even more anxious.

There was speculation that they were kidnapped or killed, warning everyone to stay inside at night and keep to themselves.

It didn't matter though because they weren't dead well at least I thought they weren't.

I sighed another sigh and got up from the couch.

I couldn't sit here forever. Although no one was here to help me I had to find some way to wake up Aaron.

I made my way over to the stairs walking up them as they twisted around. I walked down the hallway to the left and stopped in front of Melissa's door.

Before entering I took in a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

As I peeked inside I noticed nothing had changed. Aaron was laid out on the bed still asleep just like he was before. I took quiet steps to the bed and dropped down at the side.

I wondered when he'd wake up when I'd finally get to see him again. I wanted to feel his arms wrap around me as we hugged and then went on to do other things.

But I couldn't wait forever for him to wake up...

There had to be something in here. Maybe when I was checking I missed something.

I had been searching Melissa's room for a while I hadn't been able to find a way to wake up Aaron. He was still out like he was before. There was nothing, not a potion or a piece of paper that said how to fix him.

Melissa said he'd wake up soon but when is soon. It had been what 4 days? If one-hour isn't soon I'm not sure how soon she means.

I walked back over to the desk in her room. I picked up the stacks of paper from her desk and began to check them. Every paper I looked over carefully although this took me a lot of time to look through it was still worth it.

For him, it would always be worth it.


I wasn't able to find a thing. Not even a little sign saying how to magically wake him up.

I sat on Melissa's chair staring at Aaron as I thought. I groaned annoyed I had no ideas of what she could've used to put him to sleep anyways. 

As I sat pondering on the chair an idea came to my head. I had checked every room in the house except one.

I got up out of the chair and shoving it back under the desk I ran out of the room. I made a sharp turn to the left and kept going straight.

I stopped myself and stopping almost made me fall over. I kept my balance and turned to face the one door I hadn't tried.

Dereks room.

I hadn't even dared to go inside of it let alone even try and open it. It was the same as Melissa's door rigged so that anyone who touched it would get severely hurt or worse, death.

I turned tail and walked back to Melissa's room. I picked up a lighter off the desk as well as a glass of water I was drinking earlier.

This would probably be one of my more stupider ideas considering the last time I lit up something like that it blew up right in my face. I hurried out to the door and lighting up the lighter I threw it at the door. A piece of it lit up and before it could explode I threw the water at the door.

With a sizzling noise, the door stayed in place and I sighed. There was a click from the door and slowly touching it I opened it up. The string on the door swung my hand but I ignored it.

The door was all the way open and as I looked inside I froze.

Oh for the love of God...



We made it to 300 hell yaa new book will be out tomorrow when I get home.

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