✄22✄ Bloody Truth

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I stared out the window of my room and into the backyard. It wasn't the biggest of houses but it was still a house. The backyard was huge though.

So much space yet nothing was in it.

Sighing I backed away from the window and left my room. Derek didn't seem to be here and if Melissa was just downstairs this was the time to investigate.

I snuck out of my room and quickly tiptoed over to Derek's. As I was about to put my hand on the door I noticed something.

There was some sort of string on the door.

I raised my eyebrow and slowly brought my hand down. As it touched the string it sliced my skin. I quickly pulled it back and looked at my hand in shock.

How could a little piece of string make such a deep cut? I backed away from the door and headed back to my room.

Sitting down on my bed I stared at my hand. It was a deep but small cut. Blood was overflowing on my hand. I had hardly even touched it.

A shiver went down my spine thinking of what would've happened if I grabbed onto it.

I looked around the room for something to wrap my hand with and noticed the curtains. Ripping a piece of it off the wall I slowly wrapped it around my bleeding hand.

I walked over to my door and went over to the right where Melissa's door was. I stared down at it inspecting it.

There was the same wire on her door handle except it looked thicker. There was also a keypad on the door. I looked up at the door and noticed something from the corner of my eye.

There was a blinking light at the other end of the hall.

It must've been a camera.

I turned away from her room and the camera and quickly headed downstairs.

I had to find the washroom so I could clean my hand off. The camera may have caught me it may have not but if Melissa found my hand like this she'd definitely know I touched his door.

I walked down the stairs hiding my hand behind my back and walked around the house.

Eventually, I found Melissa in the kitchen and sighing I leaned on the doorway.

"Where the washroom?" I asked crossing my legs.

She looked at me then down at my legs and pointed down the hall. I quickly ran down the hall and into the washroom. I slammed the door and sighed.

I think I might've fooled her, hopefully at least.

I locked the door and took off the cloth from my hand. As blood as It was, I had no chance but to use it after. I placed the cloth on the side of the sink and turning the tab the fresh water hit my hand.

I bit down on my lip in pain as the water washed over my scratches. It stung it felt like someone had taken a needle and started poking at my cuts.

After it was all washed away I put the cloth back over my hand and tied it up again. There was a bit of blood on the side of the sink so taking a kleenex I carefully whipped it all up.

I threw it down into the garbage and opened up the door. I quickly walked back up the stairs and into my room. I sat down on my bed and stared down at my hand. I couldn't use the same cloth for long.

I got up off the bed and ripped another piece of the curtain off. I dropped the piece I had wrapped around now and put a new one on.

I walked over to my closet and opened up the door. Of course, there was nothing inside.

They hardly gave me anything here. I mean I don't blame them and I guess a bed is fine but can I at least get a hairbrush.

I left my room again and walked back over to Melissa's room. If she already caught me on camera there's no point in trying to hide what I'm doing.

I stared down at the keypad.

I needed to find a code but where would I even look.

I put my other hand on the door and as I did an electrical shock went through my body. I quickly jumped back and fell onto the ground.

This place was set up with traps.

I sat on the floor holding my hand tightly. It hurt like hell.

I stared up at the door and growled annoyed. Getting up off the floor I walked away from the door and headed back into my room.

Groaning annoyed I dropped down to the ground and stared at both of my hands.


I slowly turned my head back and Melissa walked into my room.

"Are you okay?" She asked smiling.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow confused and she walked over to me.

"I heard you scream so I wanted to make sure you were okay." She said as her smile got wider.

"Oh did something happen to your hands?" Melissa asked taking one of my hands.

"Oh poor you!" She said her smile just continued to grow.

"Don't worry."

"It could be worse."

I reached into my pocket and gripped onto my lighter. I turned to look at her with confused eyes and the moment she smiled again I opened up the lighter. I pushed her onto the ground and lighting it I stuck it in her eye.

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